My Card Back Lost

İ finished modes (league of explorers,blackrock mountain,one night in karazhan) but not give me cardback

Did you beat them on normal or heroic?Cause you need to beat them on heroic to unlock the Cardbacks, which can be really challenging.

Also note that there is currently a known issue which can cause Heroic adventures’ card backs to not be available in the collection:

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I beat mastery witchwood and did not receive the cardpack for it either, stilllooking to get pack

I beat mastery witchwood and when the cardpack was presented afterwards I was directed to the home screen and no card pack available in the collection and it shows I’ve claimed it, looking for help. On an unrelated note I got lvl 34 season card pack and nothing went into my card collection either.

Beating Witchwood (completely) awards a card Back. Not a pack.

The same goes for the end of season awards, they too are card backs.