MMR System on Battlegrounds

It doesn’t.
ELO-based ranks give you a number according to your assumed strength and modifies it with you wins and losses, giving big + numbers for unlikely wins and big - numbers for unlikely losses (enemies far above resp. far below your MMR). Creating a new account starts you at a neutral spot, initial wins will give big rewards until you’ve reached your sweet spot (wins and losses eaven out), while the numbers gradually diminished. Amaz “games” the system and starts anew to get those big numbers, prolly to appease to both him and his viewers.

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Except this is not how it works here. Here every loss (not top 4) you take lowers ALL your mmr gains for the rest of your account life. You linked twitter yourself, just go read, thats what devs say.

And stop talking about elo like it works only one way, elo is a flexible adaptable system. As I already mentioned dac (for example) utilizes it way better…

Kindly point me to where they said that.
AFAIK, you lose big when you lose unexpected because your MMR suggests you should have won, but that also works the other way 'round. Win streaks and loss streak eventually eaven out and you’ll find yourself at your “natural” MMR, representing your current tavern selection skill, efforts in game and luck of draw.
Es for me quoting ELO, IIRC some developer said/wrote way back that HS MMR uses a modified ELO system.


With elo the first few games you play (usually around 10 or so) you get a multiplier for your elo win or loss to quickly find peoples level and rate them accordingly. This multiplier then goes down for the next 10-20 games I guess until you have played enough games to win and lose the normal amount of points (still depending on your opponents level). So that’s why on first day people win and lose 100+ mmr in a single game.

The system can not be gamed and playing on smurfs to hit a lucky winstreak and then stop at a high elo and get top 100 is not going to work.
Amaz could still get his rating up,all he has to do is perform at that level of elo and he will get there quickly.
There is no real punish for having a bad streak,you drop in elo and meet easier opponents,allowing you to level up again.

Every new player gets the elo bonuses when they first start playing. What you say is wrong.
The good players will climb quickly with those bonuses,and end up where they belong. Players who are completely new to the game they wont be able to gain all that elo,and they also end up where they belong.
If they get good after the elo bonus has run out then it will take them a longer time to get to the top though,that is right. But it is far from impossible. The players at the top they still have to perform very well to keep that elo at that level,just as well as someone else has to perform to get to that level.

You interested, read twitter you linked yourself. Clearly you have no idea what you talking about. Peace kid.

Yeah, that’s how elo works, but not bg system. Here your gain drops with every loss, which is really bad implementation of elo, and the whole reason why people are smurfing after 1-2 days. Its not a multiplier it is exactly losses that drag your gain down every time you don’t finish at top 4. And their system is not even linked to relative to your opponents mmr. You consistently get A set number as long as you win, if you lose you start gaining less. People gain +30 for a win at 4k after same amount of games as people at 6k who still gain +100 just because they didn’t have those early losses…

…so this is comlete bs. If you want you can test it, go on win a game see how much mmr you would gain, then concede 10 and try winning again. its gonna be like 50+ LESS points per win after that.

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i started not knowing there is MMR and concede a few and went down quickly to 3.2k since then i consistently finish top 4 and a few number 1 finishes but i just cant seems to recover. Each number one give me 80 - 90? I am supposed to be lowly rated hence win should get more? and i didnt play alot 30 games max likely below 25. So i really dont understand the MMR, i recall my first few concede drop in the range of 260 or so but now its upping so painfully slow… i Just pulled it back to 3.9k a 7th place always drop me more than a 2nd increase. Cant figure out this system.


your observation tally mine.

But they do not have to perform as good as someone who started low and needs to work their way up.

That’s entirely my point. Those who got to play in the beta will have an extreme advantage and will shoot straight to high elo. Those who haven’t will be stuck in the 4000’s.

Once the new player is in the 4000 area they will have to work HARDER than the person who went straight to 6000 elo. The person who got to 6000 elo need only win 50% of the time to stay there. The person at 4000 elo will need to win higher than 50% to climb. In fact, I’d argue they need to win about 75% of the time and would need to win 100’s of games in a row just to get to that 6000. The 6000 player wouldn’t need to win 100’s of games in a row to stay there.

In this scenario, the 4000 elo rated player could be way better than the 6000 elo player but would take much, much, much longer to get there because their elo bonus was screwed by them not participating in the beta and knowing the game. You will have players who are better than those at the top but will be stuck in the middle grinding.

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Yes if you win against lower elo,s then you gain less points then when you would win against higher elo.
But a 6k person who wins a game against 7 other 6k elo players should win the same as a 4k person who wins a game against 7 other 4k players,after the bonus for first games has run out. (I don’t know if this is actually the case).
If you “screw up” the first games by resigning or having to learn the game then you get rated very low and it will take some time to get back up.

I don’t know,i have seen complaints about elo and “elo hell” in many different games. Imo elo can not go wrong but I do not know what version of elo blizzard is actually using. Maybe there is indeed something wrong with the elo system.
It would be nice if blizzard can give us some insight in how it is actually being calculated with all the rules and such. That way we can see it is fair (or not).

Elo hell is basically what I am describing in my previous post.

When you’re stuck at the bottom due to learning the game, you essentially have to put more work into the game than the people who started at a higher elo gain than you did.

In other words, lower and mid elo players have to work harder to get to higher levels than those who are at the higher levels have to do to maintain a high rating, ie climbing is harder than staying on top.

Climbing being harder than staying on top is not how things should work. Climbs should be gradually difficult and staying on top should be extremely difficult.

Imagine a mountain where at the very top it is ice cold and extreme weather. The climb to get there gradually gets colder and more difficult. Those at the top have to fight the hardest of weather to stay there. Some people never make it to the top because they can’t stand the cold at a certain level.

With ELO, it doesn’t work that way. If ELO were a mountain, then once you get to the top it suddenly warms up. The entire climb to the top is extreme temperature and a slow and nauseating pace. The people at the top when the race began got a quick helicopter ride there simply because they knew the best information on how to climb first. They never have to make the arduous and treacherous journey to get to the top ever again.


Apearently blizzard has their own weird way of manipulating elo (to avoid people dropping in elo i guess or some other silly reason) I now found out so I retract my post and I can fully understand the complaints and imo they are very valid complaints.

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Wow Rassy. I think you are first person I see on these forums to ACTUALLY listen to other point of view, investigate and understand/agree with the opposition XD.


Yes pretty upsetting since I have a really bad start sigh…

Well not much clarity on this unfortnatly.
Blizzard didn’t respond to my thread either so I will ask the question here as well.
Your very first mmr that the game assigns to you,how is that being calculated?

Anyway its a shame,i was looking forward to this game a ton.
But if they have a rating system that favors people and that tries to put players “where they belong” according to the game,giving less points for winning and more points for loosing,or vice versa depending on where the game thinks you should be then I am not going to play this game.

Some of the streamers got high mmr from the start. no clue what based on but seen streamers above 6500 who definitely do not belong there. (which is also why tides can rise so far above almost everyone in top 200. tides is very good but some of the others are also pretty weak).

Its a shame it has such a weird system in place and its a shame the blizzard can not tell us what it is,or at least do not want to tell us. And by them not telling gives room to think the system is very bad to begin with. There is no reason to keep secret how it works exactly unless its some very bad thing. They don’t keep secret to avoid gaming the system,people are already gaming the system it seems.

But its very disappointing,i really want to play this game but this aspect is putting me off in a big way so I will go look for a different auto battler till blizzard can be straight and open about how they rank and judge players.

@teal: well I did listen to what the others did say but I could not understand it so to me it made no sense. I took elo in the traditional way and I was wrong in that,i had no reason to believe blizzard would use a flawed system that indeed punishes people hence my initial dismissive response. But I now found out all the complaints are valid and I have no problem admitting I was wrong in my initial reaction and that all those people where right.

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Today +0 as second place in the Battlegrounds! -.-’’

I got +0 for first today lol


Thats cause Mike Donais got that fear in his heart.

You must have smashed him up good early on. All 0s all day for Schyla now.

Spot on brother! I got 3points for coming 2nd place :eyes: thanks i guess.

well, then I came in 8th and lost 1 point…so i guess it evens out?

2000 more wins in a row and ill catch up to top rank!