Missing dust (20k from extra cards total)

I realized what I am reporting after delivery of patch 25.0 and therefore I believe it did introduce this change in total amount of dust for mass disenchanting extra cards, which in my account went down by 20k (since I don’t disenchant extra cards I am 100% sure). So the system is apparently miscalculating it. Cards are there for you to verify the right amount (I can’t believe it was wrong until end of november, for sure it did go down by 20k).
Customer care invited me to write here, as it’s out of their scope of control.

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Same problem here (Mass disenchant still showing lesser dust value).
Opened a ticket, still no response. Seems there are multiple people with this problem.

It took a week to get an answer to my ticket, serious and considerate though they couldn’t handle it. I really hope to have my dust back, it’s not a detail that one can easily overlook…
good to know, thx for your link.

main problem is that if you don’t periodically dust , old bugs can accumulate and create multiple wrong calculations based on different bugs of the past .

Like in Mar 2021 there was this

and this bug remained active for years later , becouse you know if a bug self fix on 1st mass disenchant they dont care to actually fix it.

Now if they fix it without tell anyone they did it , people will find missing dust .

Do you mean the amount of dust you actually own right now? i.e. last week you owned 100k dust and now you own 80k?

Or do you mean the amount of dust that is advertised by the mass disenchant button? i.e. last week the mass disenchant button said you would get 40k if you clicked it, and now it’s saying you would get 20k?

I mean the total advertised (not yet owned), should I decide to mass disenchant everything (golden aside, which are not accounted i guess, but it’s not important now)

So the button showed one amount before, and now it’s showing an amount 15k lower.

How do you know which number is correct? Have you actually counted it up? It seems optimistic to just assume that the bigger number was correct.

There is a known longstanding bug where that button does not show the correct amount. As far as anyone knows, if you actually click it you will receive the correct amount (which may not be the same amount that was advertised.)

See Mass disenchant showing a different dust value

tl:dr; You didn’t lose any dust, they just finally managed to fix the double counting introduced with core set 1.5 years ago and what you see now, is the true Mass Disenchant value.