Miniset release date and discussion

Very good point i had forgotten about reno yeh some highlander suppport :slight_smile:

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I have experience of the two minisets that have already been released, so there will be a legendary one that will define the meta and the rest of the cards are crap produced by the company’s externs. I think it would be much better for users to teach Blizzard Entertainment how to make good card effects!! Anyone out there liked “Cookie the Cook” ?? The author of this crap should recant to the players, he should be penalized somehow!

Anyway, I don’t believe that something good will come that justifies this miniset! Only MEME cards come.

Some typical mix of decent and bad cards along with the one broken card that forces the addicts to bust out their wallets and kneel before almighty blizzard


Miracle Priest. Control Mage. Something like ETC Warrior (in any class).

I like slow decks. I’m old.


Yes! Meme cards like Brilliant Macaw, Primal Dungeoneer, and Perpetual Flame, so much of a meme it had to get nerfed!

Huh, why don’t you praise the other cards: “Suckerhook”; “Spirit Mount”; “Don’t Stand in the Fire!”…before I deleted my shaman collection, I went to talk to the Hearthstone game designer, I wanted them to create cards with an affinity for the shudderwock, you know what she said ??

She said it was not their interest to do that… then they release the card: Macaw.

The name of the game designer: Copa@HS_Copa and the conversation is recorded on my twitter. Even with releasing cards with affinity with the shudderwock, the shaman still has a lot of junk cards, so I deleted shaman from my collection and I don’t regret it!

Druid better than shaman.

somehow i feel iike hearthstone is an unlikely deliverer here

All I want is world peace… or a piece of the world.

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Why did you release now i am curious o…o

Cards for Deathrattle Priest. Maybe some kind of minion that puts a cantrip damage spell in your hand when it dies that could also be good for Shadow Priest and maybe make Naga Priest an actual thing as apposed to what it is currently which is just Inner Fire Priest.


Okay, how bout this for a start of an idea.

3 mana 4/2. Shadow Lamprey. Deathrattle, place a 1 mana Lamprey’s Shadow spell in your hand.

Lamprey’s Shadow. 1 mana Shadow spell. Deal 2 damage to an enemy and heal your hero for 1.

OP? Weak? I dunno, but it’s a start.

Sounds solid to me very creative why is the heal 1 ?

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I’d like Premium draw for DH (DH has gotten em’ 3 out of 4 minisets (DMF Races : Illidari Studies / Need for Greed from Deadmines / Razorglaive from Onyxia Lair) , and highlander support for all classes is always welcome

More spell generation or shufflers for neutral cards

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1 mana deal 2 damage with lifesteal seemed a bit strong for a 1 mana cantrip, or at least strong enough to make people complain if this became a real card. Also, the spell numbers come out as half of the minion’s this way and fits with the spell being the “shadow” of the minion. So 4/2 becomes a deal 2, heal 1.

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Rexxar hero power now also deal damage to random friendly character.
Priest ress now also ress enemy minions.
pirates are now forced to parley, if they win a coin flip they may be played.
Shadowstep makes the minion cost 2 more.
Shuffles 3 agonies into both decks, curse aswell.
Steal 5 cards from enemy deck, return them to the other player hand after your turn.

Yes, I’m f-ing sick of these.

Edit, noticed i added this text to the wrong topic, but screw it i i keep it here

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I realized that my comment didn’t contribute to the discussion; I was just criticizing a troll, thereby being a troll myself.

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I understand well what would you like from the miniset anyway :slight_smile: everyone would like something.

I’m playing the Mech Paladin recommended by the in-game Deck Creator, & my record is 88-82, including an 0-6 learning curve. I went from D10 to D5 in one afternoon with several win streaks & should make Legend by the end of the Season.

I’m happy with this deck & don’t really need anything from the mini set.

Addition: Eventually, reluctantly, I started playing Libram before the rotation. I think this deck is even stronger.

Update: Just won two more; one of them lasted so long I earned 200+ XP.

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Honestly, a Priest res spell that’s really powerful but has the downside of ressing both boards could be interesting.

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What I want to see is

Neutral common minion (Beast)
1 mana 1 attack 1 health
Deathrattle: Put a random card in your opponent’s hand on the bottom of their deck.

Vulpera Saboteur
Neutral epic minion
3 mana 3 attack 2 health
Battlecry: Look at 3 cards in your opponent’s hand. Put one of them or a random unseen on the bottom of their deck.

combined with reverting most OTK and Questline nerfs.

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