Meta Power of Classes over time based on VS reports

that is about the crucial misconception of our times, there´s nothing “natural” about the economy, it is 100%handcrafted by man. And the way we set it up currently will be our downfall, and we´ll drag most of the planet down with us.
And besides that the most successful concept in actual nature is symbiosis.


They are not on the same spectrum.

Fascism is opposite of liberty.

Capitalism is opposite of communism.

It’s like Chaotic / lawful , and Good / evil in RPGs

Those definitions mean nothing these days.
Corporations and The super Wealthy run everything in this Nation.
They pay almost no taxes and have little to no oversight.
Our elected officials are hand picked by them, and kept in power by propaganda and vote suppression.
Anyone without wealth has no real power, and the people who do have it intend to strip the few remaining protections ordinary folks have away with the next election cycle.
There is no meritocracy and there is likely no recovery.
The Capitalist experiment is as close to destruction as it has ever been.


Hey guys.

I think you’re having a decent discussion but those are hearthstone forums aren’t they?

I think we got just “a little” out of the subject here.


I didn’t raise the topic, but I am happy to drop the subject, as you are right.

Bro, individuals vote with their dollars. If you don’t like Amazon getting rich, just buy (at likely a much higher cost) local, American made goods. If you are mad that Hearthstone makes a gazillion dollars yet you hate the product, stop playing it. Don’t act like you are forced to.

Also, everyone is entitled to reduce their tax bill by as much as they possibly can. Just because Trump is better at it than you or I doesn’t make it unfair.

The only reason they “run” everything is because plebs keep voting for them, with their dollars and actual votes. If individuals were more intelligent and informed, and not allergic to work, responsibility, and utterly addicted to notifications and validation.

We are living in a world essentially being shaped by AI. Algorithms generating click bait headlines to maximize engagement and revenue. Brainwashing the cattle who feed at the trough day in and day out. This positive feedback loop that is actually creating more and more division by constantly pushing the idea in your face.

But Minami’s right. I concede. This isn’t the forum to discuss this. Also such a great OP, a shame to derail this thread.

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This is less important at this point than it was initially. They took Heroes of Warcraft out of the name for a reason.

Just because I enjoy different decks and am not attached to a class doesn’t mean I only play winning meta decks. Spike wouldn’t be accurate in the slightest.

This is a sweeping over generalization that doesn’t really respect that Hearthstone is not like other historical card games in many ways.

Again, if your expectation is that you are Warlock or Mage or Priest or whatever main in HS the same way one has a primary toon in wow, you will not be happy. That’s not about spike, it’s about facts.

The facts support what others have been saying for years.
It’s rather comical how some players insist on attempting to spin the conversation with what amounts to: “It is what it is”.
It most certainly is. Select classes have been favored, and continue to be since this design team and it’s leadership took over.

If he’s lying on the forms as alleged to lower his taxes, then it is certainly unfair.

This would help but

Doesn’t work with this.

Those two things are separate.

Putting them in the same sentence as you have reflects a fundamental misunderstanding that is bigger than any discussion here.


…going by what i read on this thread

hes trying to find a link between mage not being tier 1
and capitalism! :man_facepalming:

It’s not since this design team took over.

One of the first links from searching on classic mode: icy-veins .com/hearthstone/best-classic-decks-tier-list

Top two are druid and rogue, who have some nasty combos. Then it’s two minion heavy decks (with some face burn) in face hunter and zoo lock. Only then you get mage, and priest was still ranked near the bottom. This mostly matches my own memory of how things were back then.

Again from my memory, things didn’t improve for casters in the first few expansion/adventures.

Naxx gave us undertaker hunter, where you play a minion that grows from them playing more minions.

GvG gave Dr Boom, the original Dr 7 as a powerful minion to curve out. Pallies got the beginnings of awesome things (mostly minions) to curve out.

Blackrock gave dragon or minions with dragon synergy, and that enabled dragon priest - a minion deck - to be a thing (it still wasn’t the best deck in the meta IIRC)

TGT gave paladins mysterious challenger. It was the first time people cried about secret paladin.

League I don’t remember what major change happened (I think mage did use Reno as part of their freeze/control thing), but as rotations weren’t a thing back then, all the stuff from above were still around to help minion decks.

Who is? Certainly not me. Mage has had terrific decks in the past that lasted through multiple expansions.
Then Team 5 became what it is now.
Since that time Mage has had gimmick decks that rely on drawing one card to win, and all of them have been nerfed for complaints from opponents.
I believe that statement is true without even a little bit of exaggeration.
The only time I brought up Capitalism, was when I said that every Capitalist corporation places profits before any other concern.
Which I also believe is true.
What that has to do with mage idk.
Everything else I said was in response to to others who decided to go
into a diatribe about Our Nation and it’s economics.
I’m back on message and I hope We all are.

Point taken and you are right, but I still say that Mages did not get saddled with the pattern of having a deck that relies on one trick card to win, and then that card gets nerfed, leaving them crippled for the entire expansion, until the current leadership took control.
Since this Team 5 has been in charge, Mage hasn’t had anything that wasn’t a gimmick, and they have had their playstyle overhauled every expansion, so that there is zero synergy from card set to card set.

…in other words, you’re the very thing you accuse others of doing: keep on spinning what you want to believe, even when confronted with facts?


But just to humor you, one could argue that mages back then also relied on certain key cards to work

Ice block for freeze
Antonidas for the OTK
Mana wyrm for the early tempo
Flamewaker is an expansion card that ends up being rather important to provide free damage, though this one has yet to be nerfed

Or one can argue from a different direction, and point to how other classes also went through similar things since this team appeared.

Shamans for example had a good time with galakrond and evolve, but then both got nerfed and shamans fell hard.

…I don’t know how to put this politely, but this showcases such a gross misunderstanding of “survival of the fittest” that I genuinely cannot tell if this is meant to be parody. Like, you are aware that cooperation and group dynamics ARE what enabled humans to become the dominant species, right? If you think otherwise, I sarcastically encourage you to go fistfight a gorilla, might highlight the errors of this viewpoint.

Are you aware that studies have shown that “handouts” actually lead to increased employment AND productivity? One of us is certainly not facing “the harsh realities of the world,” but I don’t think it is who you think it is.

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I would argue that all of these original cards fall into the categories of stall, burn, and tempo, which is what Mages should always be.
Right now mage cannot do any of these things well, as it only has pieces of decks that players must cobble together for a deck that cannot compete with classes who have received cards that complement what they already had to form a powerful, cohesive deck.
Instead; it has a no minion deck that fails unless you draw IF in your opening hand, and even then you still lose a surprising amount of the time.
As to facts: The numbers show that Mages have been given far less top tier decks than other classes, and that has occurred mostly since the current Team 5 took over.
No spin necessary.

You are spot on here, and anyone who says otherwise has been gaslit or is complicit in the scheme.

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…going by what i read on this thread

hes trying to find a link between mage not being tier 1
and capitalism!


Who is? Certainly not me.

Mallenroh, 2 days ago:

Please keep track of what you say and don’t assert that you didn’t 2 days later.

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I did take credit for that. You’re wrong.
So, go be dishonest about someone else, 'cause I keep receipts.
What I said had nothing to do with mage, but corporations in general.
Which is what I pointed out.

So Boreas’s accusation was baseless, like practically everything he says.
Next time read the entire conversation.

Indeed lets try to keep this on topic everything else besides raw data that the OP was kind enouth to gather only serves those that like to spread misinformation and have no arguments besides petty insults.

This are the kinds of topics that we need on this forums and they need more attention ,leaving my like and thanks to Aegaeon.