Meta Power of Classes over time based on VS reports

Capitalism in itself is never “fair”, see “Monopoly”. Law is what sets borders (hopefully) to extrem forms of capitalism. That’s what politics, law(er)s and regulators exist for, to prevent harm to others.

Sorry, but that’s a bit naive. The 18. and 19. century want to have a word with you -
corporations always get as greedy as (and sometimes beyond) what law allows. That’s why the don’t like unions…

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Yeah, Mage and Priest both have been treated more harshly than any other classes.
Not that the haters on here will ever admit that, even in the face of facts.

Lol, please, Monopoly, the dice roll board game?

See John Stossel on youtube,

your welcome

I disagree. CURRENT taunt minions are too weak, yes, but imagine if, say, Tar Creeper was in standard.

…I disagree with this, but whatever, let’s grant it for the sake of argument. Logically, then, the only way to prevent “cronyism” is to ban all forms of lobbying and prevent all donations to political campaigns, instead having the cost of political campaigns become a part of the government’s budget that gets divided amongst all candidates running for an election.

Let me know if you have any other ideas about how to stop “cronyism”.

I would be down for this in a heartbeat. Let me know when you plan on running for office:)

The odd thing about this is despite the performance of Priest on ladder it has a massive presence in the tournament scene. Masters Tour Dalaran had 90% of people bringing Priest. The whole tournament was either banning Priest, or trying to target Priest.

Even though Mage and Priest haven’t been performing all that well on ladder they are both very much considered tournament competitive.

I’m always reminded of match 3 of Silvername vs Bunnyhopper in the Europe Finals where he won on turn 5 because a 6 mana card ended up with 30 mana worth of stats on board while clearing it at the same time. Praise Yogg.

I assume tournament play is considered for nerfs, which is a completely different environment than ladder. Which explains some of the oddities in nerfs compared to just focusing on Tier 1 and 2 decks and then thinking every group of devs have some hidden agenda against some classes.

And then there’s Warlock. Poor Warlock. More hate than Mage and barely exists.

Because the classes never were bad.

This wasn’t started as some dumb way to ask for buffs.

It’s started as a way to show that blizzard treats spell based classes different from the rest of the game and are even down to “nerf even more just for the sake of it” if the community tells anything about they while this isn’t the treatment other classes receive.

Even after literally years of the same stuff happening some people here were still playing dumb about it so i guess someone doing the actual research to make the discussion more productive.

I already had an general idea of the result (playing since launch) but it’s good to see the content itself taking form.

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yea, there is a lot of bias still in it for people on top of the ladder/gms.

i think priest ended up ~50%winrate while shaman ended on top with ~56%winrate in the tournament and had not been a top 4 deck bringrate wise.

Also Frenetic pretty much stomped the European playoffs with an agressive lineup including hunter and almost noone could be bothered to look into it for the Dalaran Cup, mostly i think because pro players are heavily biased to more “skill intensive” decks like OTK DH or Rogue, despite the evidence that hunter and token druid right now just win more games.

So did I. We OG who play spell classes knew all along.

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I’m inclined to say that every style of play should probably be represented somewhere, but I think Priest’s “Play From Behind” style needs things like Rush minions or sticky minions or weapons to get away from “Removal Until The Opponent Runs Out of Stuff.” It needs the ability to do something with the board once it’s been taken (other than "Tickle to Death), instead of stuff like 7 mana minions with 4 attack. Lightshower is a step in the right direction, imo, but I think there’s a lot of room to expand.

Spending your whole turn to remove the opponent’s board, turn after turn, is not particularly interactive or engaging.

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Whatever you say. I’m sure Blizzard is going to turn around and give Mage, Priest, and Warlock years of tier 1 decks to make up for such an affront as not being the top of the ladder like Paladin.

Priest is my #1 class so it’s not like I’m not “suffering” like you guys. I’m just not an incessant whiner about it.

Priest was also banned 78% of the time. Which completely eclipses any other class. I imagine those numbers would be different if they were given more of a chance to be played.

I not whining either.

I just not gonna absent myself from talking about it just for someone else get their feelings validated.

And also good luck with your prediction. You gonna need.


Of course you aren’t whining. Not at all.

And learn what sarcasm is.

Sarcasm via text isn’t really that easy to get.

Next time try an emote together. It helps.

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I’m loving the “What GMs bring to tournaments” arguments while completely ignoring that tournament decks are brought for very specific reasons (usually counterplay).

A deck could be #1 overall and see almost no tournament play for a reason. That doesn’t mean the deck isn’t #1, it means that in tournament play where you are allowed to ban/choose a set of decks people think it will be banned or get counterplayed too hard so it’s not worth using a deck slot for it.

Tournament play is NOT how you determine which deck is the best overall because you are not allowed to ban decks in normal play and the ENTIRE play structure is different.

For example, it is CRYSTAL CLEAR that Paladin was #1…it required multiple nerfs to affirm that. Yet Paladin decks didn’t see as much play in Grandmasters as you would think even though it was clearly the best deck by far in Hearthstone at the time.


My argument is that the devs consider tournament play for nerfs. Which would explain why some decks get nerfed even if they are only average on ladder.

You can’t just balance solely based on ladder while also actually caring about a competitive scene which has a different format.

If you want to balance both you have to care about both. Which is a very hard thing to do. While also caring about the health of the game as whole.

It’s not like these classes haven’t been completely playable. Just because Paladin is #1 doesn’t mean Dragon Priest, Cube Lock, and Reno Mage didn’t exist. Because I remember those very well. Everyone should if you’ve played long enough.

The health of the entire game is a lot more complex than just looking at who has been tier 1 and tier 2.

So what you’re saying is that Priest saw a lot of play (and bans) in GM over the last few months because it was really solid against a select few powerful decks that everyone was going to bring to tourneys? That sounds really complicated, I’m just going to say Priest is the best class in the history of the game and should be nerfed into the ground. /s

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Actually, if you look at the recent VS Reports, Priest has had a Tier 2 deck in the Top 1K Legend bracket in all but one of the reports since the beginning of Barrens.

It only appeared in the Tier 2 lists at Diamond 4-1 and overall Legend twice each during the same time period, but there’s clearly a segment of the meta — the same segment that Masters and GM players come from — where Priest has been a pretty competitive deck.

So, the recent rate of play in GM and Masters is not as much of a mystery as it might seem if you only look at the lower rank groups.