Meta Power of Classes over time based on VS reports

neither is losing to variations of the same three decks within the same three classes for four years.

about the mage discusion, the real problem imo is blizzard is too carefull to not let mage be capable of aggresively burning enemies.
It’s kinda funny that cards like combution and brain freeze can’t hit face (btw mage would be much easier to make work if they could) and then dh and hunter gets burst options that would make mage of most eras jelous.
Agresive burn cards is the key to make a class that doesn’t have(and shouldn’t have) the board power plays other classes have work.


Wouldn’t know about that because I don’t just play one class. You should try it.

I still maintain that when Team 5 created DH they busted the balance of this game permanently.
They had nine classes with three of each basic type: Control /Aggro/ Combo
DH sucked up space that other classes had previously held.

Goes to show you that profit margins will always take priority over the quality of the product.
Just like every other Capitalist entity today. Profit is the only thing that matters.

Except this isn’t true. There were always different ways to play most classes that weren’t some neat division like you assert.

This is demonstrably false.

This is so cynical. I thought you were going to stop doing this?

It’s not healthy.

No. It was a C-section.

So, again, you’re wrong.

It isn’t my fault that you have a biased, myopic view of the game centered on crying about mages in every way possible with a little blizzard is the devil thrown in for spice. Even when you talk about other classes it’s only to discuss how they impact mage.

I am sorry you get upset when you get called out on it.

You’re welcome! Have a great day!

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I think particularly what Mage needs is what happened in un’goro. Good stated Minions that work with good spells and win conditions.

Right now we have good stated Minions that mostly prop kinda good? Spells. More Firebrand, less Starscrier.

Mage now works with a few explosive interactions but that turn the whole deck inconsistent because it’s 10 or so card combos that more or less work all together.


That’s actually not true.

Yes, the Even/Odd sets were a big part of Paladin’s success, but they’ve been pretty strong most other years (except Year of the Kraken).

During the Year of the Mammoth, Paladin had at least one Tier 1 deck in every report except one. Within that year, JtU and K&C were even better for Paladin: they had two Tier 1 decks about half the time in JtU, and in K&C, they had at least two Tier 1 decks in every report, with four reports (#80-83) giving Paladin three Tier 1 decks.

Though Year of the Raven was strong with Odd/Even Paladin, it wasn’t quite as good as YotM. In WW, Paladin had two T1 decks for the first four reports (#88-91), then dropped to only one T1 deck for the rest of the expansion, except for report #93 when the deck dropped to Tier 2. In Boomsday, Paladin had a Tier 1 deck in the first two reports (#101-102) then dropped out of T1 until #106, then dropped out again until they came back in the final four reports (#110-113) with two T1 decks. RR is where Paladin got really strong again, with one Tier 1 deck in the first report (#114) and at least two Tier 1 decks in every other report, hitting three Tier 1 decks in reports #116 and #121-125.

Even in YotD, which is Paladin’s recent low point, they still had quite a few Tier 1 decks: one Tier 1 deck each in two reports in WW (#126-127), seven reports from SoU (#137-141, #144, and #146), and another seven reports in DoD (#152-158).

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Oh yes, anyone remembering this work of art?

But Genn and Baku were only in Standard for a year. That doesn’t explain the additional 138 weeks Paladin had high tier decks.

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They have good minions.

Firebrand, sayge , lab partner and the list is actually big.

It’s hilarious to say but…
Mage spells are bad compared to other classes.

All of that probably to do something dumb like leverage incanter’s flow to make spell mage work.

If anything they could literally delete IF and buff mage cards.
No one would even care, including the spell mage players that would be happy to try the deck with actually good spells.

A runic orb that deal more damage or get more cards. Both work if you consider the problem of the card is trying to do so much that ends doing neither.

A mask of c’thun that isn’t overcosted compared to similar effects.

Wildfire being actually a good card.
Maybe reducing hero power to 0 when casted or making the hero power also influenced by spell damage.

Maybe mana biscuit actually making you gain mana?
In the end of the day it’s already weaker than lightning bloom just by having to pay the cost upfront.
It not needs to be even worse by not gaining mana.


I wonder how many of those decks used Leeroy.

Something to keep in mind, a lot of Priest, Warlock and Mage tools are defensive. But this game has always allowed aggro to be a big part of the meta. At least for the most part.

Some people might think it’s biased unfair treatment of some classes. But it’s just hard to make sure everyone gets a piece of the pie when you don’t want every class to just be Hunter.

I agree completely. Mage had terrific synergy in Un’Goro that we don’t have now.

I think the shaman deck that stick in Hearthstone for the longest amount of time was the overload shaman with Tunnel Trogg and Totem Tuskar.
In my memory it lasted a century.

Nah, I was only look at the post ashes data

Get out of here with your facts. We don’t do that here :wink:

If a class is ‘flashy’ and powerful at the same time, people flock to it in their droves. Which is fine if you one trick that class, but you are still going to be outnumbered by those that dont play that class. Their fun matters also, which is why popular decks get nerfed, even if they aren’t Tier S.

This has been every Mage nerf in the last 2 years, and from the position of someone who plays every class, this is the correct approach

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I disagree in that I don’t think it is asking much to give Mage one style that lasts beyond a single expansion.
It doesn’t have to be tier S and it doesn’t have to be “flashy”.
Mage used to have this back when it had more than one viable deck per expansion.
If they could do it then, stands to reason they could do it now.
Well, maybe not this Team 5…

Well yeah, but Mage keeps getting clown fiesta, which people always love when it’s good. But it’s hell to play against when it’s popular. I would absolutely love some non clown fiesta Mage decks that are tier 1. I’m a big fan of Secret Mage in wild

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Me too, when secret mage existed in Standard it wasn’t broken, it was just consistent and good.

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