I found it really interesting to do. And it’s great to have everything laid out in a fairly neutral format that helps to filter out some of the partiality that your memory can bring to trying to recall how the game has developed over time.
Since I personally went through all 194 VS Reports and tabulated the information from the Tier listings in a spreadsheet, I’ve also ended up seeing a lot more than even went into the final tables I created.
It was an exhausting process. When I saw Schyla’s suggestion in the other thread and thought it would be a good project to do, I underestimated just how much work it would take.
But it was also fun in a way to do a speed run through years of Heartstone meta history, even in just a schematic way, since I mostly focused just on the Tier listings themselves, only occasionally skimming the other material to give me a sense of where I was and what was happening at the time.
It was also really interesting to remind myself of some of the old metas I played through. Sometimes that was good, when I ran across a deck or something that I really enjoyed; sometimes less so when I was reminded of some of the things that I hated at the time.
Also, as an interesting side note: It was surprising (though perhaps it shouldn’t have been) how annoying translating a packed, highly diverse meta report into my simple spreadsheet form was. The really imbalanced ones were funnily so much simpler to do than trying to sort through which classes showed up how many times when there were 12+ decks listed at Tier 2 in a single report. (I think the most I saw in a single report was 20 separate Tier 2 decks.)
There’s probably more that I could do with what I’ve put together as a spreadsheet, but I’d have to think about what that might be. (I’d also be happy for suggestions.)
I had considered also doing separate breakdowns by expansion or by rotation, but there was already so much in the tables I put in the OP that I figured it would be just overwhelming to add another, even longer series of tables.
I’m also kind of curious how the tier information would line up against the reported play rates for each class in the same reports. But I’m not sure what would be the best way to translate those into a simple, easily comprehensible format. And with how exhausted I feel after doing this project, I don’t think that it’s likely to be an idea to follow up on in the near future.
Finally, even with what I’ve done, there are some pretty important restrictions, since I didn’t try to record separate archetypes or any of the other identifiers. So, while I personally think that it is a useful overview, and I’m glad that others seem to be finding it helpful too, there’s a limit to how much this sort of pointillist, schematic meta history can do.