So, i’m gonna give a look at pre legend ranks (since we don’t have much data for top 1k), as these ranks seem to be the most competitive, overall.
From 6-158, the classes with the least top deck time, from worst to best are Mage (4) Priest (5) and Warlock (6). This is also true from 159-199.
By tier 1 decks, from 6-158, we have the three worst ones as Priest (20), Mage (22), and Rogue (41) closely followed by Druid and Warlock (43 and 44). From 159-199, it’s Priest (0), Mage (3) and Shaman (7).
With Tier 2 decks, the worst ones are, from 6-158, are Mage (74), Paladin (78) and Shaman (89). 159-199 are Warlock (7), Priest (10) and Druid (16).
So basically, Priest is consistently outside of the top decks, and consistently outside Tier 1. This is a disposition closely followed by Mage.
Also of note is the HUGE disparity between the numbers.
In the same time frame, Paladin, the best class by numbers, had 5 times as many top deck time as Mage and Priest combined, 3 times as many tier 1 deck time and almost as little tier 2 time as Mage.
Basically Paladin is good, at worst, and busted regularly, and Mage and Priest worst classes then?