Mercenaries max stat

I had maximized many mercenaries before patch sep 22 when they lost their +1/+5 Stat. After patch when you can max again unmaxed mercenaries, the stats of the already maxed mercenaries didn’ t return. After 3 months this hasn’ t been fixed.


Hm. Strange. All my mercs got their max boost back. Don’t know why yours didn’t.

Can’t confirm this either.

Let me also update this, since we’ve had a couple of reports with a similar issue (see linked topics above) as the root cause. My conjecture:


To add my humble two cents I am having the same issue: Several max-rank characters without their max boost. And they re sitting on thousands of unused coins that I cant trade for renown.


Alright, another victim of this.

My theory about it has been that they’ve been running some script to fix it for some time, but some players might have missed it and are now without the ‘Maxed!’ buff and all its benefits. Maybe the developers should run it again…


So they might have not deployed it for all players indeed.

See also the old topic: Mercenaries Max Stats .

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Same issue for me :expressionless:

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Thanks everyone for the time you spent to response. This forum is supposed to be read by the support team but no one have given an answer yet. The fact is that it’s unfair to play against players that have their maxed mercenaries with the right stats, while yours don’t.


Knock knock. Anyone home? Blizzard support where are youuuuu?


Can they run it again? Who should we inform? On European servers too!

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according to blizz support, the only thing we can do is write here and be enought people asking to make someone notice and solve the problem… kinda crazy if you ask me but whatever :\

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this evening my mercs have been fixed and finally my old maxed mercs, had back maxed stats and count as maxed (just for info i was finally able to convert 15k+ in renowns, from banked coins), how about you guys?

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Looks like you confirm the fix announced in the 25.4.1 Patch Notes :

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Yep, fiexed for me too.

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The same for my mercenaries. Finally after so many months they have the right stats again. I hope it is fixed for everyone this time.