[MatLK] Meta Predictions: Class Power Rankings

Why would it lol
Octo bot still sucks, garrotte is still nerfed, and no pen flinger to abuse field contact

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And what combo are you thinking of that you can utilize high cultist basaleph to kill the opponent with? On turn 10 no less? High cultist basaleph is a vastly inferior imp king rafaam. It only revives minions that died from your previous turn to your current one. Imp king rafaam doesn’t care when his imps die, he just brings em back and buffs them to boot. Imp king rafaam also buffs imps currently on the board in addition to the ones he revives. Basaleph just returns a few deathrattles. It’s slow and clunky and it’s not that good. The strategy is just too slow to work in a meta like we’re moving into. Three set metas are very efficient. I don’t see a world where he has a place.


None yet but it has the potential. Like miracle priest before,you can resummon all your combo minions with this card if your board got cleared the turn before.
Its a strong card by any means with many different potential aplications. Could be agro board refill. Some nice dr that you want to revive for value maybe,and it has combo potential.
Its very strong at 5 mana i think. Like if only one random minion died its already an ok tempo play with the 3/5 body from the legendary+1 random summon. This will go in every single priest deck.

I wonder ! :slight_smile: I have started Hearthstone at Kotft and it was a good pick usually.

The problem here is that this is called a “win more” card. This is why Whitemane saw no play in Priest. That exact setup you’re talking about doesn’t happen in reality at any consistency to be worth it.

I’m going to go with the sleeper class of Sire Denathrius as the top class on release.

Besides that i am not sure how things will shake out with so much redundancy for board being injected to the game.

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It could have been a win more card at 10 mana.
But at 5 mana you havent won the game yet and this card will be a huge swing. With 2 minions revived its like a jandice,which was a very strong card all around before the nerf.

This isnt a win more card. You can come back with this card and you can get the lead with this card. And if you are somewhat ahead this card can almost close it,like go wide with this card as backup.

Every good card is a win more card if you are already wining. Thats not the scenario you should be looking at. You should be looking at how this card can perform in situations where you have not won yet. And in many situations where you have not won yet,this card will be a strong play.
I can not see a single (realistic) situation in which this card is a bad play. Besides for the situation in which no minion has died. In which case you simply hold this card and expand your board,with this card as safeguard.

I dont get how people are underestimating this card. Even in the worst case it is a good tempo play. Just look at the stats over 2 bodys (asuming you will always revive at least one). And besides the tempo play there is all the potential upside with combo or reviving specific minions. And the value from reviving a big board for 5 mana later on if your board gets cleared.

Just curious about what you think.
Do you think this card will go into every single priest deck? If yes then it cant be a bad card right.

High Strength was an overstatement.

I’m on the Hopium.

It will lose hard to some decks. (Aggro Druid, Boon Priest, Draka Miracle Rogue)

I think it will crush a lot of the annoying decks that I want to beat.

Because at 5 mana, on turn 5, you won’t be playing this normally. There’s just not a lot of minions you’re resurrecting that died on 4 or that you can kill off on 5. On turn 5 you’re almost always just going to be able to resurrect 1 minion. We’ve had that effect before and it wasn’t that good then so it likely won’t be good now.

Priest isn’t a tempo class, that’s why it sucks. Unless this resurrect priest archetype makes priest great at tempo, this card won’t be that good.

Would Silvermoon Arcanist be better than Guild Trader in Garrote? 1 less mana; battle cry that triggers Field Contact

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I’d say any top tier deck right now will more than likely remain top tier, such as Naga Priest, because the overall card pool will be six expansions and nothing incredibly insane is coming with the next expansion.

I’d also argue any deck with cards allowing a good boost to Sire will be seen a lot, as well.

You make valid points about Death Knight, but I’ll be abusing DK no matter what the first week. Blood to start, then Frost, and finally Unholy.

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I cannot wait to destroy you with Quest Pally :slight_smile:

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Mech Pally never fell out of Meta, I hit top 400 with it this season!

It’s definitely one of the cards I’m going to test a lot.

The main upside to Guild Trader is making sure Shroud of Concealment doesn’t brick because I’m not running a lot of minions.

I initially think Silvermoon Arcanist costing 1 less mana won’t be that big of a deal because Octobot, SmallScabbs, BigScabbs, and Prep already cheat a lot of mana. It’s definitely possible it is important to run Silvermoon Arcanist instead though. Not having the 1 drops/augmerchants for chip damage anymore, people having 40 health, and Shadow of Demise / Door of Shadows randomness makes the combo turns Mana Math different game to game compared to reliable garrote rogue of the past.

Gonna more than likely have to use shadow of demise as a third garrote to pull off enough dmg i imagine, i like that a third of deck is draw

Edit: my only thought is that if the game gets to hou needing to play big scabbs it might be over by then

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Anyone likes Theorycrafting/Speculating should check out Vicious Syndicate’s article. They go in depth on Classes/Cards.


Vicious Syndicates Overall Power Rankings:

(Overall Power Ranking: How strong are the class’ prospects based on the entire standard card pool?)

  1. Death Knight
  2. Rogue
  3. Druid
  4. Demon Hunter
  5. Paladin
  6. Mage
  7. Priest
  8. Hunter
  9. Warrior
  10. Warlock
  11. Shaman

Vicious Syndicates March of the Lich King Expansion Power Rankings:

(March of the Lich King Set rank: How strong is the class’ new set?)

  1. Death Knight
  2. Rogue
  3. Paladin
  4. Druid
  5. Demon Hunter
  6. Priest
  7. Hunter
  8. Mage
  9. Warrior
  10. Shaman
  11. Warlock

I think people are sleeping on Shockspitter if they put hunter that low in their ratings.

that thing can singlehandedly end games.

you can easily make additional ones each game with selective breader, and have each one hit for like 12-14 damage with a brann. Draw is naturally augmented by the new insane Arrow as well to help keep consistency for the combo up. And the rest arcane spells that can go face can finish the job.

It’ll probably lose to blood dk, most burn decks will, but it can easily kill on t6-7 on a good draw i think vs most other decks.

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called it

so glad to see sire D and hunter nerfed soon tho.

next in line - druid

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Missed the rockspitter in hunter but overall pretty close too… I overrated DK a bit due to Ashes of Outland’s PTSD but it’s in a rough spot only because of how oppressive druid is against it.

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Why did you post this? Look what you’ve done!

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