Matchmaking does NOT seem Random to me (with explanation)

I have to call BS. “Do your research” is non evidence. There is no research to do as there’s only anecdote and feelings. I am not trying to get into this dead horse of a “debate”. If your experience convinced you, that’s fine, I don’t care. Just, please, do not pretend there’s acceptable evidence out there.

Like I said, this is topic that has been discussed and debated plenty of times on the forums. With both sides viciously attacking each other for their difference of opinion.

There’s plenty of info to be found, streamers have made videos on this very topic. So players who really want to look into this particular topic deeper just need to do a little big of digging and draw their own conclusions.

And regardless of which side of the debate one falls on, matchmaking is what it is and it’s not going to change. So my stance to players is, rather than focusing on something you can’t change, focus on what you can change. You’ll end up having a more favourable experience.


To clarify, I don’t consider anecdote (even streamers’) compelling. I want a sound test and expected result in mind with a large sample size. That shouldn’t be difficult to conduct. The fact that it hasn’t after all of these years speaks volumes.


Like I’ve stated, this is not a topic that will I engage in, I’ve said my peace in the past. This like is like going to a party and talking politics lol, it gets ugly and I just want to have a good time with ya’ll. You know.

That’s fine… But to engage by claiming there’s evidence out there and to dip is lame, dude.

It’s not lame. What you’re trying to do right now is to force your opinion. Your stance is very clear on this topic. That is totally fine that you have the opinion that you do, but at the same time it can be argued that you don’t have any evidence to prove that it’s not. Both sides of the Match making debate claim that neither side has any evidence.

What my stance is … matching making is not random as there are certain variables that will match you up against an opponent. That fact everyone can agree with that. Its the variables that players argue about. it’s a topic that both sides continue to vehemently argue and disagree on.

And at the end of the day, it does not matter who’s right or who’s wrong because its not going to change the match making.

What I have said in the past and will say again, I do not believe that the game is rigged to force you to lose; making legend unattainable.

So regardless of which side argument one falls on, there is only one thing that we as players can do, focus on what we can change and work on and that’s our skill. Sure RNG sucks sometimes, I’ve seen RNG f over my opponent so hard at times its hard not to laugh. Like when my opponent plays dirty rat and well it pulled a card from my hand that made them regret playing it. However, on the flip side, the same has happened to me.

This topic reminds of when there was debate about bots on ladder. In the past there have been intense debate on the forums where both sides attacked each other for their opinions. However, with the recent posts officially from blizzard, we can’t deny the existence of bots in ranked anymore.

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Using some kind of algorithm in an attempt to measure skill level to create more even matchups is way different than game being rigged. An algorithm doing that is not favoring one player over another. It applies to both players. Blizzard even said themselves that matchmaking works like that. They are not trying to hide anything. The data sites don’t show any noticeable anomalies with the matchmaking data over large sample sizes. It’s up to the It’s rigged cult to prove there is some kind of anomaly that needs to be fixed. Salty anecdotes of cherry picked small sample sizes isn’t proof of anything. Anyone can have a small streak of bad luck at anytime. You can have one game where you draw perfect and you opponent draws dead and you don’t even think twice about that game it was over quickly with your win but when the opposite happens and you are the one on the losing end suddenly it’s game is rigged as ****.


Thats all that matters… People that say the game is rigged are wrong its that simple.
We have quite a few 3rd party sites that collect data from tens of thousands of games and none of the data they collect shows the game is rigged.

One side is baseing their opinion on stats and logic the other bases their opinion on the voices in their head.

Its that simple for me.


And what evidence do you have to prove this? You have first hand knowledge that can be confirmed that these third party sites are specifically collecting data to verify this? Any hard evidence that you can use as source that directly confirms this and can be verified?

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Like i said above the 3rd party sites that collect data from tens of thousands of games …
None are seeing any pattern that suggests any foul play, the claims that the game is rigged come from those that cant accept they are at fault for their lost matchs.

And why would they ,they are Gods perfect lifeforms ,the only way they lose in a card game is because something else is holding them back.

If i win 20 games in a row thats normal im just that good, but if i lose 20 in a row oh boy you better belive im blaming the flying spaghetti monster if needed…


The moment you realize your opposition doesn’t comprehend (or doesn’t care about) the burden of proof… I wouldn’t bother.


The only people with more issues than thin-foiled hats are those who are discussing this topic with thin-foiled hats

People think themselves as Einsteins of Hearhstone when the vast majority are Homer Simpsons.

So than you can provide the documentation from these third party companies who you say monitor blizzards algorithm for their matching? I would like to know exactly how they are able to determine this.

Where’s the documentation that states they monitor these patterns for those specific reasons, other that tracking what players are playing?

Have you reached out to these companies to ask them if they actually monitor the games to determine if any of these matches are not 100% randomized?

The match making pattens that are currently active with blizzard don’t expire until I think 2034. Both of the active pattens go into detail about matchmaking variables. Both pattens #'s that are written by blizzard have previously been posted on the forums in the past by various players.

I’m not denying the fact that skill plays a huge role in the overall outcome of your rank, I"m all about that. I’ve said it a number of times that the game is not rigged to prevent players from reaching the rank they want if they truly deserve to be at a particular rank.

I’ve drawn my own conclusion with respect to this based on what I’ve read and the official documentation written by blizzard. I"m happy with the rank I get each month.

I have no sympathy for players who blame their inability to climb on everything else but skill on why they can’t rank up.

Do I believe that matches are 100% random. Absolutely not, not entirely.

I am certainly open to reading any documentation that you can source.

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Stop torturing yourself. You said you wouldn’t engage, and you’re right, you shouldn’t. That applies to me, as well. We aren’t convincing anyone here, are we?

How’s your night going, bud? :blush:

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lol, I know… but you called me lame for not elaborating… and well, I elaborated. :slight_smile:

My night is going well, how’s yours?


I have said really similar things for years.
The matching is impartial, and therefore fair.
But it isn’t random, and I have demonstrated it repeatedly with HSR examples.

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Good, ate my first pot brownie tonight, and it’s working well. Haha! :joy: Now gonna chill and own noobs with Sharpshooter DH.

Nice :slight_smile: I have not had one of those in a very long time.

Well, I think I could have written better. There’s an important distinction to make here between means and ends.

A line or queue is not a very random means. It is exploitable to things like intentionally queuing at the same time, or possibly even unintentionally doing so. If a large number of people play many games, and they are all of very similar lengths so that they continue to all queue up simultaneously into the same group, then it’s possible for “paper rock scissors clumping” to occur. By this I mean that decks will tend to sort themselves by archetype so that “paper” is ranked below “scissors” which is ranked below “rock” which is ranked below another batch of “paper,” etc. This could plausibly create the feeling of there being a wall of counters, because under those (very fragile) conditions as you rank up you’d tend to face favorable matchup then even matchup then unfavorable and loop back to favorable only if you win the unfavorable.

However, from the output we know that, over the course of an entire day across multiple servers, that the ends are random. This doesn’t necessarily mean that there are no patterns that emerge as structures, it means that the structures are symmetrical — that is, that they’re just as likely to favor you as they are to do the opposite — and that enough of these structures are created (and destroyed) per unit time that overall everything evens out. Which is another way of saying what you said, that they’re impartial and therefore fair.

Also, I want to reiterate that lines/queues are not as random as rolling dice but they’re still pretty random generally. It’s tricky, but not impossible, for queues to create temporary nonrandom structures, but I want to emphasize the tricky part. It’s a bit shaky when it’s done on purpose, so it’s really hard to pull of accidentally. All it really takes is one person deciding to not re-queue immediately, or one game going significantly longer or shorter than the others, and the structure partially collapses — and these things are actually more common than the things that would keep a structure together.

I don’t think that anyone who believes that evolution isn’t a thing can possibly fathom this stuff. If you can’t imagine coincidence creating nonrandom structures out of a random void, just by doing the same things over and over again, then it’s got to feel rigged to such a person.