Matchmaking does NOT seem Random to me (with explanation)

Emphasis on look. And not too well. The difference between true random and something acting like random will always be the difference between, well…something authentic, and something desperately pretending to be authentic.

Cards that based on the programming, know how to scan hand. Others that know how to scan deck. Others to scan and remove certain copies of cards, highest cost, lowest cost, and so on.

Now, they can scan search, and do everything with your deck…but it’s still random folks!

Let’s put it this way: if this were a street hustler wanting you to place money on a shell game like that…RUN AWAY!

Interesting how the deniers can post stuff like this over and over, and get a free pass from the mods to do so.


Something the deniers can’t really answer with the “muh patent is never used argument” is why wouldn’t they? Given this company’s track record of scummy decisions that prioritize money above everything else, NOT using something they see as a money making avenue makes no sense whatsoever.

The same company who posted record profits, then promptly fired a ton of their staff…seriously ISN’T using a scummy matchmaking patent to line their pockets.

I’d sooner believe kotick donated his golden parachute to feed starving orphans.

The plain wording of the patent says otherwise.

And of course, you have data to support your claim…which first sentence in the quote naturally undercuts your entire point.

They fed lower ranked people to whales in diablow immoral payportal keep paying mortals, which also showed the final form of the patent. In fact, the guy who paid to win so much he literally couldn’t matchmake any more.

Note one of the more common (now) talking points early post dates: and see how often it’s getting spammed.

…and the predictable concern trolling form pro company posters.

All news outlets are propaganda. Just look at who (or what scummy mega corp) owns a particular news outlet and one can see the agenda at play (especially when they all parrot the same talking points).

Even when you read and quote the patent…the deniers will pretend the plain wording of it doesn’t mean exactly what it’s saying.

I still love how they tried “muh cod patent” even after it was directly quoted to them from the patent that those were examples and that patent wasn’t limited to cod.

Nevermind, the deniers STILL post this falsehood.

Here’s debunking, straight from the source:

While aspects of the invention may be described herein with reference to various game levels or modes, characters, roles, game items, etc. associated with a First-Person-Shooter (FPS) game, it should be appreciated that any such examples are for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to be limiting. The matchmaking system and method described in detail herein may be used in any genre of multiplayer video game, without limitation

2nd paragraph after “summary of invention”

And if the deniers can be this blatantly dishonest about a basic fact of their argument, it calls into question what else they are being dishonest about. Especially when:

Everyone should read the patent. It’s right there. Only the deniers insist there’s “nothing to see here.”

Holy Light, I remember the “MUH CONSPIRACY THEORIST!” spam on that one. In fact, how interesting that’s the go to response from those defending the company.


Source: dude, trust me.

And that’s the denier position: “it’s just not…mmhk!”

Meanwhile, a plain reading of the patent shows (especially in light of how actiblizz has used it in other games lately) its doing exactly what they said it would.

Read it for yourself.