Mass disenchant bug

Greetings! I am having a problem when mass disenchant cards.
The mass disenchant button was pressed, but the arcane dust was not added to the account (somewhere around 1700 dust). Also, the create button has an icon for the ability to mass disenchant cards, but the button itself is inactive. This icon was not removed after another mass disenchant of some others cards (which went as it should).
Is it possible to somehow return the cards to re-disenchant them (or return all account information as it was to state of March 24, 2021) or add the “lost” dust?


The above withdrawn post was me on my kids account. I just experienced the same thing with a mass disenchant. I got a little less than half of the stated amount after picking up the classic bundle.

Same thing just happened to me. I bought the classic bundle, dusted my extra commons and rares and the dust was never added to my account. The cards are gone and the crafting button seems bugged.

The mass disenchant bug is currently showing an innacurate number. It currently shows 1200 for me even though I only have 600 worth of cards to disenchant, so it’s likely that only had half of 1700 dust worth of cards to disenchant.

Same issue. It said that I was able to disenchant two legendaries for 800 dust with Mass Disenchant, but it only gave me 400 dust and now the crafting button seems bugged.

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Not like mine case. That time I really have 1730 dust in cards and on the button, but this dust disappeared with some lag when I pressed it…

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I don’t disbelieve you, but you should be ready to have a list of all cards you believe you disenchanted and contact support about this. You aren’t going to get an answer on the forums from Blizzard.

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For years I’ve never had a need to write down the contents of the mass disenchant button before pressing it. That’s a pretty unreasonable expectation


Blizzard has said that they are aware of this issue and their explanation is the same as I expected. If you’re going to claim to Blizzard that they owe you dust, you’re probably going to need evidence.

The dust icon is showing for me, but when I click on “Crafting”, the dust button is not available for me to click on. I have OCD and having the dust icon show when there are no cards to dust is freaking me out.

Having just done this for a second time (I bought 100 classic packs to complete my set), the problem appears to be classic mode. In other modes some of the cards are uncraftable. In classic mode (and thus in classic packs), the cards ARE craftable. Mass disenchant picks these up and shows the value, but if you use mass disenchant you get nothing for these even though you lose the extra copies. I don’t 100% know this to be the bug, but that’s the appearance to me since I was showing over 14k dust, received just over 9k, could not d/e my golden cenarus, switched to classic and was able to d/e him to craft a different legendary.

I have this same issue, and the only solution I have found is to go into my collection and manually scroll through each page where I noticed I have several cards that are x3,x4,x5 etc. I manually dust my extras and that takes away from the (non) mass-disenchantable dust value that I have remaining. This only seems to be a problem with my “Classic” set duplicates. Others are able to mass disenchant just fine. Hope this doesn’t have any future repercussions.

Still having this issue. Really wish they would fix it.

This issue happened to me as well, unfortunately. I came back after a couple years and had about 17k of dust to disenchant. Then when I clicked the button I only got 12k. The extra 5k was still in the mass disenchant window (like it failed to finish) and I couldn’t click the button again unless I closed and reopened the game. After that, it said I didn’t have anything else to disenchant.

I’ve been talking with Blizzard support about this ( Issue ID #85153722) and they seem to be aware of what I’ve disenchanted? (or at least, aware that I did a mass disenchant to get 12k dust on the 24th), but they redirected me here to post it. Hope this gets resolved soon.

EDIT: I actually didn’t realize this was updated last July of 2021. So maybe this isn’t the same issue? Since the help desk said there was a known mass disenchant issue that was fixed in January. But there’s definitely some kind of issue with mass disenchant where it’s not giving the indicated amount of dust.

it’s the same issue , but becouse it auto fixes after first mass disenchant and game restart they never really fixed it.
So all the old players can still have this.

I have a problem with this as well, I looked around for copies amor cards and it showed many copy’s in my collection but when I dusted them I literally deleted my cards. Apprently they have no way of giving you cards back and I just disenchanted like 5 legendary cards because of this

I have same problem. Today i have disenchanted duplicates that cost 31k of dust. It was laggy and i got 24k of dust successfully disenchanted but 7k just bugged. After this I’ve created two cards, and those 7k of dusts doesn’t return.

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I just had the same problem. I had around 3.2 k dust and after waited until after this patch to get full refunds on nerfed cards. Had around 9.5 k dust able to be mass dischanted, but when i clicked the button i only have 9.4 k now. When i did click the button it made the animation of dischanting my extras, but it still glowed blue and showed i had another 3.2 k dust able to be dischanted. Clicking on it again did nothing and kinda bugged my game so i had to close and relaunch. Opening back up, i saw the dust numbers and here we are now. Dunno whats going on, if i got scamazed or if it didnt show the right amount of dust, but i dont like it.