Locked out of duels

A glitch between games in a duels run has locked me out of the mode. When I ‘resume’ I see the usual splash screen, but the ‘play’ button has been replaced by the ‘Build deck’ button, which takes me to a deck builder where I can rebuild my duels deck, but can’t be ‘done’, and so can only go ‘back’ to the splash screen. I also have no option to retire the run.

Thanks for any help.

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this is a old bug that sometimes came back , and is a real bug becouse hard blocks a part of the game and ticket support can’t do anything.

So blizzard have to consider a general workaround like putting a Retire button on all stages of a duel , from hero selection , to deck creating screen , bucket selections, etc. at least one can clear this situation , who cares losing a good run if you cant play duels anymore.

I think they dont put the retire button to force a player use the 4 random class , but people hunting for a specific class will start first game , concede , and retire …

in the past they suggested reporting using this link dont know if still works

Use “Contact us” under 3

If you see nothing is solving , try contact/tag @fusrohdaniel on twitter

Thanks. I’ve submitted a ticket.