Kobold and Catacombs Waxmancer Sturmi bug

Waxmancer Sturmi’s stage 1 hero power is bugged. The hero power, which says summon a 1/1 copy of a minion, applies damage done to the copied minion after it is summoned.

For example, I had a druid minion, Grizzled Guardian on the board.

8 mana 3/5, recruit 2 minions that cost 4 or less.

It took 3 damage on my turn, making it a 3/2.

Waxmancer Sturmi copied it as a 1/1, but then applied the 3 damage to the 1/1 copy as soon as the hero power ended and caused the Deathrattle to apply as soon as it was applied while killing off the 1/1. Unless there is a new interaction or set of rules, copied tokens should not take additional applied damage when copied if no additional damage source is being applied to it as a result.


Well, copies do retain damage of the original, but a “1/1 copy” shouldn’t be damaged.

Actually I say that but while on the subject, I recall there was another Adventure boss whose hero power was a bit unusual in that regard. Avelanchan’s (Galakrond’s Awakening) Hero Power is “Create a copy of a minion and Silence it.” The copy is undamaged even when the original is. Nothing about the wording suggests it should be like this (not a “new” copy). But it’s hard to believe something that obvious would be overlooked.

Right. And I do know that if you faceless manipulate a minion that’s damaged, it will come out with the current stats on the copied minion.

But if you use, say Mirage Caller, a priest minion which summons a 1/1 copy of a friendly minion, the 1/1 token won’t take damage if the original minion is damaged. It just becomes a 1/1.

In the context of the Adventures, it really isn’t a big deal, but it is a seemingly weird and incorrect interaction. Why does a copied minion take damage from seemingly nowhere? That isn’t supposed to happen. I also don’t recall it happening when I first played this Adventure, so there must have been something that occurred in updates that incorrectly changed the mechanic within the Adventures.

Did you witness an actual damage event with the yellow flash and the “-3”, or did you just see the health change from 1 to -2?

I’d presume it isn’t taking any new damage. Internally, health on a minion is tracked as two values - maximum health, and damage taken. The latter is subtracted from the former to get the current health. Sounds like her power is copying the damage value from the original onto the 1/1, causing it to die pretty quickly. Usually it’s the responsibility of the 1/1 enchantment to ensure that the damage gets reset to 0 but if the copying process is done in the wrong order and the damage value is copied later on, that won’t happen.

As for why this started, I believe “summon an X/X copy of a minion” effects like Barnes were updated in (or near) 17.0 to work on Dormant minions (which they now do), possibly with other consequences as well. Naturally this bug doesn’t affect mainstream cards but it’s possible Sturmi and other old bosses were overlooked for part of whatever this alteration entailed. I’d want to look at the logs or a replay for Sturmi and see what she’s doing different. But the end consequence seems to be either that the application of the 1/1 enchantment is now failing to reset the damage tag, or it’s being applied before the damage is copied.

Of course if there was a deliberate damage event then I’d have no idea. I’d still guess it was set off by the copy-with-stats changes, but it’d have to be a pretty nonsense implementation in the first place for that to be possible. I’d guess it’s the work of whoever was responsible for Shaw’s Shank back in Monster Hunt and try not to think about it.

How it took place looked like this. It happened pretty fast, but I remember it clearly.

I was Druid.

I had Grizz Guardian on Board. Stats on first post. In the process of playing the round the card took 3 damage.

On Waxmancer Sturmi’s turn, it copied the minion and summoned a 1/1

The 1/1 shows up, but it immediately shows -3 on the 1/1 token, appearing that it took 3 damage from a seemingly unknown source. The 1/1, immediately after being summoned, dies, and recruits two minions from the deck. I did check for other potential sources of damage that could have dealt 3 damage to the token and saw none.

I am not sure of the full mechanic changes on Dormant so if you believe that was the case, then maybe you are right on the oversight. However, even still, tokens appearing as a 1/1 are often seen as a debuff to the original minion (which is why you can silence tokens back to their original stats). This is also why you can’t heal 1/1 tokens back to their original stats, because the tokens max stats are 1/1, and the stats of the original minion are disregarded completely unless auras are applied.

Even in new mechanic changes, damage should not be reapplied as additional damage to a token.

If it’s unclear, I’m not in any way denying that this is a bug. The inconsistency seems clear, as long as nothing else could have been responsible. Just speculating on why it currently happens with this boss but not others. Wonder if any others would be affected. Was playing against the Magic Mirror the other day but I never tried summoning an injured minion.

Interesting. I wonder if there really was a damage event (e.g. would an Acolyte have triggered?). Can’t imagine why someone would have needed to deliberately do that for a power that shouldn’t make damaged copies. If you have a replay, it’d be useful to see. Otherwise I’ll probably go see if I can’t encounter her myself sometime.

Right, I totally get that about the possibility and speculation of inconsistencies within the mechanic. Just knowing how tokens work as a rule, I assum this one situation is a bug and could be reported as such.

I wish I had a replay, but I was just doing a dungeon run cause I was bored and happened to come across this in one of the matches. Apart from this post, I have no other tangible recount of the event. I’m sure it could easily be replicated again with a few dungeon run trials, but I don’t have proper ways of creating a visual replay other than using screenshots with my phone.

I am also experiencing this bug. Sturmi copied my damaged minions, and the damage applied after the 1/1, killing them immediately.