Is there a bug or hack with Nellie?

Twice in a row my opponents played Nellied and my game just froze, there was no animation ending their turns, I could not play my turn and then they just played their turns twice in a row and killed me. It was no connection issue, as no notice appeared on the game. Os this a known issue? What could it possible be?


Not that I have heard of. Did they play it after Brann? I know there is something with Brann and Queen Azshara causing issues, maybe there is something with the colossals as well?


I just had the same issue.
Looked like my opponent did it on purpose.
They play bran + nelly and your game is just doing nothing. And as soon as you are dead, you are allowed to watch it all happening without being able to do anything.

When the opponent plays Bran & Nellie and doesn’t pick the last card, it leads to a disconnect on your side, even if you get no disconnect notice, so it’s somewhat exploitable. Dunno whether it will be fixed in today’s patch, a bandaid solution when encountering the Bran&Nellie combo is to force quit and restart the game, this should give you enough time to react.

This is still happening.

If you don’t see the warrior make three pirate picks (i.e. if only one card choice comes up), this is an indicator you have been disconnected by Nellie and need to reconnect to the game.

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It’s a bug that isn’t going to be fixed any time soon because it doesn’t directly lose them money.

I had this happen again the other night. It doesn’t happen every time they play Nellie though. I noticed it was the golden version of the card when it froze the game which makes me wonder if this only happens when Nellie is generated by another card?

I’ve had it happen 3 times now.
The first time I thought maybe I was imagining things… the 2nd and 3rd times it was unmistakable. In all cases I lost those games.

Its getting patched tomorrow

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Indeed. I am very excited for this fix. I’ll say again, however, that a Barbed Net bug is still persisting.

To be honest, I thought this was fixed as I’ve never yet experienced this bug. It’s unfortunate that some are still experiencing this.

The Nellie bug is just really bad. There is no excuse for it. I’ve confirmed I’ve lost at least 2 games to it, and almost possibly lost another 5 had I not restarted my client.

It’s so bad that as soon as I see Nellie play, I restart my Hearthstone client rather than wait and find out if I’ve disconnected.

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they are fixing it with new patch tomorrow

Yeah that never happened… 4 days later after the supposed fix and it is still here.

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