Is the game p2w?

misleading topic tittle

this thread isnt about p2w is about being unable to get a full collection for free


Yet, the first link in the first post claims you can get full golden collection for free if you start performing good in the Arena.

Why is this ignored?

By the way, only the OP is arguing that you should have everything for free. Same person who didn’t read what he was posting. I think he is just trolling you all.


you’re right about the new format for tournaments but from what i’ve seen, there’re not so many players at top 200 and they mostly queue into the same players which means easier way to counter/get countered

you’re not at that rank

traitor :frowning:

because no1 with a sane mind plays arena 24/7


You’re right, there are only 200 players on the top 200. Trying to swap decks around all over the place still presents you with the same oppprtunity to get countered unless you think you’ve found a deck to counter what everyone else is playing and somehow don’t think anyone else would try to do the same thing.

I’ve seen WAY more streamers hit #1 legend by focusing on a certain deck with a few tweaks here and there than those that made it through the top 200 and went “Here are the twelve decks I used over the past couple days to hit top legend!!

Also, trying to call someone out on rank as you do so often to dismiss their points is really starting to make you look like a troll, since this game is played by a considerable number of people, on the internet, for everyone to see. Stop acting like top legend (while full of skillfull players) is some big secret.


So? I’m also not F2P. But plenty of people have made it to Legend as F2P.

Why can’t you?


All legendaries decks are actually quite horrible, so it’s not p2w. If spending the most amount of dust possible on a deck won’t guarantee a win, Hearthstone is definitely not p2w.

I think people only think it’s p2w because they see streamers opening up like 700 packs and think you need to open like 700 packs to win when spending money doesn’t increase the chances of getting epics or legendaries. You could open 1000 packs and still not have all the cards from a set.


Today I Learned:

Definition, a Korean player who was in last weekend’s HCT Winter Championship, is a F2P player. He has not spent money on card packs.

Quit whining.


Pretty much this. Granted that player has put a ton of time into the game.

Practice. Practice. Practice

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why can I not what?


Someone who met your criteria by qualifying for and competing in a championship event.

For free.

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Your willful ignorance is not my problem.


and yours isn’t my problem either

name? proof?

…We did.

Why can’t you read?

Geez…when did winning become synonymous with having a full collection?

They aren’t remotely the same thing.

You can win without paying, but you certainly cannot collect them all without paying.

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When certain individuals convinced themselves that you need to have a dozen decks at your disposal in order to climb to and upward in Legend, despite results from many streamers proving otherwise.


why can’t i what?

legend isn’t the endgame and you need several decks/tech cards etc to climb but you can’t understand if you keep playing at rank 20

Deflect a little harder, why dontcha? :wink:

The facts have been presented to you, you cherrypick which comments to reply to and deny them while calling everyone who disagrees with you a rank 20 player. Getting kinda sad, really.

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why dont i what?

legend isn’t the endgame and you need several decks/tech cards etc to climb but you can’t understand if you keep playing at rank 20

Again, multiple streamers/players have proven that you don’t need multiple decks in order to climb to/within Legend, to the point where several have started new accounts just to prove that it’s possible.


And how exactly being able to take a decklist any decklist to legend rank proves that this game is not pay to win? Just because there is a chance for a vanilla decklist or for any other list even with only basic cards to hit legend or rank 1 legend doesn’t necessarily mean its efficient, right?
Not being able to have access to the whole card collection restricts your options, hence at points it will restrict the effectiveness of the decks you can play.

Is the advantage offered to the guy that has access to the whole expansion on release negligible in comparison to a F2P user? I dont find the advantage offered negligible hence i can not categorize the game as F2P…