Is it any good or is it garbo

Hey guys I posted this deck yesterday, but since then I have made some changes. I still however; cannot seem to get over a 50% win rate.
I was hoping someone would look at it and tell me what i am doing wrong?
I am trying to learn deckbuilding 'cause players get alot of criticism for using net decks. I know big spell isn’t top tier but it seems fairly straight forward to play and I thought I might grasp it better than other Mage decks.
Any thoughts on the composition?

My Big Mage

Class: Mage

Format: Standard

Year of the Phoenix

1x (1) Arcane Breath

1x (2) Astromancer Solarian

2x (2) Faerie Dragon

2x (2) Starscryer

2x (3) Messenger Raven

2x (3) Overconfident Orc

2x (4) Azure Explorer

1x (4) Dragonmaw Poacher

2x (4) Evasive Feywing

1x (4) Frizz Kindleroost

1x (4) Polymorph

1x (5) Big Ol’ Whelp

1x (5) Malygos, Aspect of Magic

2x (5) Naga Sand Witch

1x (6) Blizzard

2x (6) Dragoncaster

2x (7) Flamestrike

2x (8) Power of Creation

2x (10) Pyroblast


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

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On 1st look,

  • the win condition is not obvious
  • the balance of the deck feels off, the deck seems competing between being aggressive and controlling

I am not proficient on mage but I will try,

I am using the above 2 example to reflect it’s deck strength over your’s currently.

You can see both decks does not include Flamestrike, Poly, etc. Reason I believe is that the other replacements can do the job better and more efficiently. e.g. Flame ward can do ‘better’ aoe at 1 less dmg but 4 less mana.

You get full value from Frizz from the discounted valuable dragons such as Maly, Alexz, etc. Your current dragon line-up receives no significant value from Frizz’s effect. Poacher is good vs dragon but at current meta, it’s effectiveness is much reduce as it cannot keep pace with the non-dragon decks, and dragon decks can generate better threat from thier dragon(e.g. ysera 2) than the poacher can negate.

Again if you look at the 2 attached examples, you can see the deck can generate better threats for you to close off games.

excellent. Thank you for the input:)

Deck building takes alot of patience, trial and error, and passion.
Keep the Faith. Don’t fear to ask.

My contribution is just to say this: screw the netdeck haters, play what you want to play and that helps you win. I used to feel like you, “dirty” for looking at net decks. But then 24 thousand new Legend players got there by netdecking Deming Hunter, and I’m still back at Gold 10, wondering if I should have jumped on that bandwagon to get the extra rewards. If you find a deck on the Web and you play it and it’s fun, forget what the Homebrew Hipsters say and play it!


I’ve had 13 straight wins (legend) with a no minion secret mage deck I Can post later but I would be hesitant because I don’t want people crafting these cards right away lol. It’s such a fragile deck restriction that even if it’s effective now It could easily become obsolete in a new expansion.


See section on Deck Building, and see if it helps.

Classic Alex might be a good inclusion here to help with giving you more ways to win. Playing her can help set up lethal next turn with her attack and/or one or two Pyroblasts.

Kalecgos would give you another strong dragon, which provides some spell generation and can discount your lineup of big spells.

Finally, if you’re running into a lot of DHs or other classes that are using weapons, you might include an Ooze or two, or maybe Harrison Jones to give you a little more card draw as well.

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No minion mage just became face smorc mage with spells while you hopefully stall with freezes. Its not interesting to me in the least.

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Wanted to let you know I used some of your advice. i have included Alex as well as an ooze to tech a bit against DH. We’ll see how it goes:)