Infinite Queues

I’ve noticed that sometimes my first attempt at queuing never finishes forcing me to force close Hearthstone and receive a loss. Fortunately once I queue successfully once the problem goes away but sometimes I have to restart multiple times before that happens.

That’s a connection issue with your device. There’s no way for Blizz to fix that, your device lost connection. Only way to fix it is to completely close the app and restart. I also have this problem occasionally and if the queue goes over 1 min i restart the app

not sure there isnt something they can do
i have the same problem and it started a few weeks ago
nothing else thats online has issues at the same

when i do have issues with my connection everything is affected either by lag or disconections

I’m with Boreas on this. When the glitch happens nothing else that relies on my internet connection is affected. Also once I succussfully queue a game that glitch never happens again unless I have to restart Hearthstone.

Also I’ve noticed that when the glitch happens a black rectangle with a 0% symbol appear for a brief second while queuing. I’ve actually noticed this object appear while queuing for years now but this is the first time I’ve seen it associated with a bug. I’ll try and see if I can get a picture of it.

as the illustration of the endless turn glitch shows, disconnects doesnt necessarily have anything to do with your internet connection so “nothing else that relies on my internet connection is affected” is irrelevant.

from personal experience i have noticed that the issue is more common when you use a vpn.

what you can do is to ask technical support for help to identify the issue and whether its due to large package drops or if its something else

the reason i think its a bug in the game is because is too consistent
never had a connection issue with a game always happening at the first attempt at starting a game

in any mode

it also affects solo mode if i try to start a solo mode run no matter which one

the game will shut down if is the first game i try to play after starting HS

i get the message asking me to close and launch the game again is odd to see the “unable to reconnect to your game” when the last attempt was a solo mode run