I'm sure a Pally just cheated

Deck tracker doesn’t lie. And blizzard clearly doesn’t care about cheaters, I wanted to report it to blizzard to see if it really was cheating, but the link blizzard give to report cheating is dead… Strange how all the biggest richest developers make it as difficult as possible to get in contact with support. Always clicking through menus and Q&As in one big circle with no way of actually contacting the company.

You tried sending an e-mail and the link was dead? That’s weird, the Blue post I linked was from earlier this year so the window for it to shut down must have been small.

Hearthstone Deck Tracker, which I’m assuming you use, also records replays of your games.

Improbable != impossible.

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I can check the replay and upload if someone informs me how I can find the replay from 2 days ago on my deck tracker.

within the app, find the deck you were playing. all of the replays are listed in chronological order.

something like that, i uninstalled it again :p. cant remember.

Do they expire after a few days? Cant find the replay unless I’m not in the correct menu/submenu.

i dunno. dont even care tbh, but i think they stay there forever.

Stats > Constructed > Matches > scroll down to find the match in question > click it > click “replay”

Make sure to uncheck “Active Deck Only” if its showing a different deck.

No he wasn’t cheating, just fairly lucky. Apologies.

ht tps://hsreplay .net/replay/A9u3yyppirc2mW56zJoAch

encase anyone is interested, feel free to say I told you so, I’d had a few drinks and it certainly didn’t feel like turn 7 when he played Finley, I still find that quite early to have drawn all 9 duplicates however.


At least you know where the replays are now for future reference.

it happens. i really wanted to see what turn 4 Finley hand looked like, though. :frowning:

I don’t actually believe this. SO much so I wouldn’t even entertain the idea. It is more likely your opponent just got lucky and drew at least one copy of his duplicates. And the card in hand would even indicate it would activate, with a golden glow around its border. Meaning, he wouldn’t even need deck tracker to tell him it was playable.

It is very common right now, and for several decks, to run several duplicates even with cards that require no duplicates to activate. I ran across one Paladin yesterday who was running several duplicates and also had Zephyr. Same for a Druid the other day.

And I have a relatively high win rate, so I play against some pretty good players the majority of the time. So these decks are hardly rare to come across.

So your opponent was likely just lucky. And when I say lucky, we are NOT talking about astronomical luck here, we are talking about marginal luck.

Lastly, your record of replays goes back practically to the time you began using HSDeck Tracker. I just went through and stopped when I was into replays more than 2 months old. So if you don’t have a replay of this match then it is user error(your fault).

And being real here, I cannot think of any reason I would accept as to why you wouldn’t have had your deck tracker open.

Your case is SUPER weak, your argument/accusation does not withstand even slightest bit of scrutiny.

Nice to see the mystery was solved. Congrats!

(Guy who posted above me, read his post 3 above yours. He found the recording and solved the mystery.)

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Dude, this was already resolved. Look literally three posts above your reply.

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