I'm not buying Alterac

Where would one give voice their dissapointment in the game, then forums?
I for one, didnt said that i will stop playing, just stop supporting them, if they make expansion where 80% of cards are usless.

Also love how ppl feel the need to visit every thread about dissapointed ppl and tell them to **** off.


I think it’s importnt that when someone leaves we know why.

I’m not talking about the “nerf card X or I leave”, these threads are as useful as the radar that blizzard uses to monitor the wild meta

By disenchanting horrible wild cards, which most wild cards are horrible. In wild the same exact decks dominate all the time, for years basically. I was able to get over 100k dust and do not have to buy expansions.

Then you’re letting the people who will make those posts control Blizzard’s perception of what the playerbase demands. I would prefer a world of civil and responsible grown-ups, but we don’t live in that world. We live in a world where companies bend over backwards to adult child crybabies on social media. If you don’t agree with what that group wants for the game you better get loud and complainy, and gets some like-minded friends, or the masses will dictate the path forward.

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You missed the point.

Or you could not post your own whining as well. But neither you nor the OP felt that was appropriate.

Perhaps they were hoping to find some common ground with other players that may have been able to change their view. But you decided to play gatekeeper and join the forum bashers on their ridiculous crusade to topple the Big Bad that is Blizzard.

I agree. However it’s not always people posting on alt accounts or even the same people posting over and over. Not that they don’t exist mind you. Just not in the numbers some choose to believe.

Treat each post like the person has never been to the forums before, even though you have. It’ll make reading easier and emotions less… messy.

Bottom line for anyone that bothers to read this; The forum isn’t here just so zealot fans can pretend they are relevant by policing actual customers and their posts. It’s also a great place to get cookies!

where/when did i whine?

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Just saw this on hearthpwn.

He says they won’t remain dominant but yet they didn’t give us new tools to deal with them.

Hand disruption is the only way and we currently only have that in Mutanus (too slow) or rogues arsenal (parsley / savory deviant delight)

We need neutral Hand disruption asap or it’s more of the same going into AV


I believe the implication from what I read from his comment is that Warlock will be nerfed to the point that slower decks can exist in harmony. No good for Warlock players like me, but, I believe it’s worth it. I want the general playerbase to be happy, too, and can thankfully and willingly play other classes. So, hurray, I guess. :wink:


The important part of that quote is THEIR expectations. They very well could be right but they could also be very wrong. They have zero ideas what the meta will look like because their testing is so limited.

Me personally, i hope every bloody quest and aggro face deck falls right off the map and the game goes back to the board actually playing a part in the game.

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after this last expansion and after quests I play HS only once a day for about half hour just to remind myself why I stopped playing it…

They ruined whole game many times before but they managed to make it better somehow but now,I don’t know what they need to do to make me come back and play like I used to…

The best thing that they could do is to reset the whole game to the beginning of everything.


You could have ignored the thread. Not bumped it by commenting your dislike of these types of posts and it would have likely died by now. I don’t actually see the OP as a whiner and simply applied what I determined to be your criteria of “whining” and your posts fit.

Now, if you’d like to recant your comments or even say “Hey! Wow I AM doing what I’m accusing the OP of…” then we’ll have a place to start. But honestly I don’t relish the thought of giving even more free therapy here.

Oh, yes I am indeed “whining” as well. But I’m okay with it.


I daresay that if you log in and play a game every single day… you haven’t actually stopped playing it.


True. I’ve been playing since closed beta and it’s too deep to stop now.

If I ever quit I’d be so far behind and I really do enjoy the game more so than any other triple A title…those end up being a waste and I wish I’d have just bought more packs on my quest to a 100% complete collection. I’d be there already if I hadn’t quit for a year awhile back.


Good ol’ sunken cost fallacy.


I’ve gone for the smaller bundle this time as I like the new cards and am hopeful the meta will move in a different direction away from Quests, even if it takes some post release nerfs.

Didn’t buy Stormwind because I knew Questlines weren’t my cup of tea.

My prediction is that they do end up having to nerf Questline Warlock and Warrior after release.

That has nothing to do with the rewards track and everything to do with you barely playing these past 4 months.

Had they kept the old gold system you would still have barely anything, probably worse. That’s because they front load the rewards track so people that barely play get more rewards than they would with a linear progression system.

Hahaha you have a point…let me correct myself; I do not play it as I used to,like few hours,sometimes more a day…I used to play it whole day,even whole night,but now is max. half an hour and that’s it…I just cannot find no joy anymore,quests ruined everything for me…only thing that is playable for me is arena and that’s it…

I never spend real money in this game and never will but I spend a lot of time over the years, unless they ban all questlines out of the existence this new expansion will be the first one I don’t will care about and skip.

That is just sad.

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Actually I play more now than I ever did pre-rewards track. Like I said, there are more places to spend gold now, there IS less gold earned but MORE free packs given with the rewards track.

I understand that the goal is to make money. They just aren’t hiding it as much anymore lol

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