If you think matchmaking is rigged, read this

If you’d, you know, watch for a few seconds, I explained that it was sourced with footnotes linking to actual Blizzard statements. Devs on Twitter, etc.

Can you show me the black and white written rules stating exceptions or that there are no exceptions?

If it is third sourcing referencing Q and A then it is no better than we already seent. We already seent it.

I can’t prove the truth of evolution using only the Bible as a source of evidence.

We know much in spite of, not due to, Blizzard. Your obstinate dogmatism in this regard is particularly baffling as I know you aren’t even a true believer.

Such an obvious strawman. “prove that the game isn’t rigged!” - heads explode

Don’t be that. Be better.

Show me the actual rules, as written that people so clearly understand. That is all. Not some third party interpretation of what was said in a Q and A and was very, very ambigious and leaving enough room to run a cruise ship through legally. If you people are the experts you claim to be daily, simply show me the words you hold as religion please.


Winning. Again.

An idiot will never listen to reason because he is an idiot. Rigged claimers are idiots. Thus bringing this up for the millionth time while admirable is a waste of time. They don’t want the truth they want an excuse for why they suck at a casual card game. Their ego can’t fathom why they aren’t the best at something. For them sucking at anything destroys their absurd image of themselves. They think they are the 200 IQ player in everything they do. If matchmaking was rigged for paying players I’d be legend by now. I have been active since Old Gods and have preordered almost without fail forever since. I rarely crack gold. I accept I suck. Buying packs hasn’t helped me at all lol.


Calling people idiots doesn’t make you right. Being bad at the game is no excuse.

Stop being petty.

Show the written rules or admit you and the bandwagon, group-think is wrong. Not hard.

Just because you are wrong doesn’t forgive name calling and toxic behavior. It’s time rational thought leads discussion here and I will carry that torch.


I wouldnt trust you to carry an unlit match, let alone a torch (powered by batteries)!

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Too bad. I live in hurricane alley and have all the survival essentials.

I understand how the local group think getting absolutely besmirched by me tonight is upsetting though : )

If you truly think you’re “winning” in the argument, you are wrong. The info you have asked for has been provided to you on multiple occasions, you refuse to accept it. You are only making yourself look more foolish with your “IM WINNING A POINTLESS ARGUMENT” stance, when you are, in reality, losing it.

Of course not. Declaring victory does. :wink:

You don’t even know what that torch looks like.


I have proven the entire group think brigade here are wrong and have been wrong all along.

I use sound logic and reasoning despite the push back from people who continue to use made up rules and parameters they assume exist but don’t actually know of.

It’s hilarious reading the desperation from the local group-thinkers trying to justify me pointing out they have been clearly wrong the entire time.

I will continue to carry the torch of logic and reasoning for you despite your emotion based responses. : )

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I play at legend and I think its rigged. When u play since classic like me (with a couple of breaks) you might see patterns over time.

But does this means heartstone is a bad game ? Hell no, i love it, its a beatifull f2p game with amazing art and it gives me alot joy but its quiet annoying to see patterns appear when you dont need em the most. :slight_smile:

Would be nice if Blizzard would be more transparent about the matchmaking so we would know what we dealing with.

Ps: People say the MM for CoD doesnt effect Heartstone but have you thought about when they can build a MM engine like that for CoD, how must the Heartstone Matchmaker look like :wink:


Is this group here in this room with us?

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I made legend in standard and wild monthly for a long time. Now when I play, I focus on duels but still play ranked from time to time.

The argument made that anyone who disagrees must be bad at the game is another emotion based, knee jerk response by people who are simply wrong.

There are no spelled out rules stating the entire parameters of the matchmaker. There is a dev outlining the overview and basics but doesn’t state the entire parameters including the ifs, buts and exceptions. That is info they have not and will not release. That’s why people say, “prove it” knowing only Blizz has that info and will never release it.

The entire premise is based on assuming the extent of the matchmaker without actually knowing what that is. So they stick their fingers in their ears, stomp their feet and insist they must be right.

I will continue to use logic and reasoning to show their knee jerk, emotion based opinions are clearly wrong.

This debate has become indeed Legen … wait for it … d a r y.

Brigade of hairy brigands.

I was replaying to hazama because he said people who think its rigged looking for excuses because they bad at game.

Didnt ment to brag or anything.

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Not really. No modern architecture for a backend server would be single-threaded. I don’t profess to know how Blizzard scales their servers to meet demand but I can make some educated guesses (k8’s w/ dockerized deployments?)

Regardless, no one would design a backend server to scale with one thread, it would be a massive waste of resources since, even with docker +k8, you wouldn’t get reasonable ratio of resources (for example X ram, disk space, etc, assigned to one thread!)

Thus it’s most certainly the case their backend server(s) handle many instances of running games and/or requests from running games, and that requires a concurrent server architecture. In this case, you have one backend server running multiple games concurrently (i.e. multiple threads), and hence concurrent pRNG is a very relevant/applicable topic to this scenario.

Just had this happen to me yesterday, nearly exactly how I described. Been playing thief rogue for the couple few days (probably 200+ games) haven’t seen a single Rune of the Archmage.

Then in one game one jackpot rolls 2x Rune of the Archmage. Then later in the next game first roll another Rune of the Archmage rolls. So 3 Rune’s in more than 200 games is about right in terms of frequency. Those 3 runes in (nearly) one game… that is um… unlikely if these rolls are “random”.

Rare events happen all the time.

Your post about random number generators giving the same result when called concurrently is meaningless when a single game doesn’t make concurrent calls. It’s not at the stage where it needs any kind of detailed discussion, yet you’re already moving on to environments. Anyway clearly you are more interested in talking than listening.

This is not correct. As I’ve written a single game is handled by a single server at any point in time, however that same server is also handling many games concurrently, and thus RNG calls are concurrent.

I’m not sure how I can be clearer, but if that doesn’t make sense I can elaborate.

The point I’m making with this anecdote is that these rare events are common in my experience, an obvious logical contradiction.

I observe this about every few hundred games or so.