If you think matchmaking is rigged, read this

It is funny because you and the others know I just won. I beat you. You cannot answer the question and you realize how stupid it makes all of you look.

Just give me my props. Swallow your pride and admit defeat.

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Card counters no less, blizzard turns a blind eye as it makes them more money.

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No. It’s

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I can answer the question, but you wont provide anything that debunks the black and white I give you, so not worth my time.

Google max mccall match making for a STARTING point bud.

Link Blizzard saying what their own matchmaking system rules are please.

At this point I think a bunch of people pretending to be really smart ITT just got embarrassed. I am still waiting.

let me see the unambiguous, Blizzard rules on what the matchmaker actually is.

Amazing how people are so desperately ignoring this.


Of all people I would think Scrots would understand this. I feel like he would go with what is evident over group think and forum bandwagoning.

Scrots, where are the black and white rules that keep being referenced. Give me the rules written by Blizz to silence all doubts.

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Theres your black and white. Provide evidence its wrong.

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I can see that you really want a reply, so I’ve asked chatGPT to formulate one for you. This works best if you can read the following text in a robot voice.

It’s important to note that the specific mechanics of the matchmaking system are not publicly disclosed by the developers and while they strive to provide a fair and balanced matchmaking, the system is not perfect and players may experience fluctuations in match quality based on various factors.

It is also worth mentioning that players may not always have a perfect understanding of the factors that influence matchmaking, and some factors that may seem to be important, such as the specific cards in a player’s deck, may not actually have a significant impact on the matchmaking process. Additionally, with the large card pool and ever-changing meta, it might be normal to face different archetypes, and thus it’s expected to face different decks.

If you have specific concerns or issues with matchmaking, I would recommend reaching out to the Hearthstone support team for further assistance.

This is a Q an A that doesn’t explicitly outline the rules, exceptions and such. It has been around a long time. It is not an actual, black and white rules set saying and defining all outcomes. It is a Q and A.

I know you dug hard for that and I had that info for years LMFAO

He explains the basics and outlines it. It is not a written rules set stating exceptions and the like.

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It is black and white bud. They outlined how MM works, in detail.

Now show me some evidence it doesnt work as advertised, PLEASE! I would love to be able to take Blizzard to court for false advertising, but I see no evidence of it!

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Perhaps I didn’t communicate effectively enough earlier.

People who don’t do their own basic internet research and brazenly demand that other people do it for them should, dare I say need, to click links directing them to Rick Astley.

Like for Pete’s sake stop being the biggest jerk ever and Google “blizzard tweet matchmaking” or something. For the love of God.

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So there is no black and white written rules on the game? That is what you are saying?

Got it.

We have a Q and A that defines the rules without stating it in black and white, thus disregarding exceptions, buts, ifs and the like.

People are so sure the game isn’t rigged based on rules they do not actually know and the “it’s rigged” people are the idiots?



How am I a jerk? Because I am embarrassing you guys? Seriously? Prove me wrong! that is all I ask. I play this game and spend an embarrassing amount of money. Simply show me the black and white rules, with exceptions, and the roundabouts, not some Q and A that doesn’t address anything but the basics please. Too much to ask? Then maybe you are the one who needs to rethink?

ChatGPT also had the feedback for you when I asked how you could improve your posts, based the two I gave it.

Sure, here are a few suggestions for how “Goramier” could improve his writing:

Clearly state the main point or question in the beginning of the post. This will make it easier for readers to understand the topic and the point of view.

Use proper grammar and spelling. This will make the post easier to read and understand, and will also convey a sense of professionalism and credibility.

Avoid using overly emotive language or making personal attacks. This can come across as aggressive and make it harder for others to take the writer’s point of view seriously.

Be more specific and Provide more context. it helps the readers to understand the context and the main point of the post.

Use of bullet points and numbers can make it more readable.

Try to be more persuasive in the language rather than aggressive or attacking.

Lastly, it would be great to see if the writer could provide some evidence or examples to back up their claims, as this would strengthen the argument and help to build credibility.

I linked the black and white rules above.

So you cannot answer, realize you are in deep with bandwagoning and group think and are tring to save face.

Got it.

Simple question.

Show me Blizzards own black and white, unambiguous rules that you keep taking about knowing so well. Show me.


Where did I talk about those? I recall some people in the past pointing out that deck choice led to them facing different decks, and I gave them a method that would give them strong evidence to support their claims if they were correct.

You linked a general Q and A that doesn’t explictly state the rules and exceptions (if any). For all the so called experts on here, that should be obvious.

At this point, I think some of our so called and self named experts are really just trolling. They claim all these expertise and knowledge on rules… they don’t actually know.

I think this must be what winning feels like because I feel like I am absolutely schooling people right now and I barely graduated high school and these experts and being schooled by me!

This is possibly an effect of having self esteem so low that you mistake everyday conversation for competition.

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Show me Blizzards black and white rules including exceptions and such that people claim to know and defend so fiercely. Show me.

I am still waiting for the facts and data people to show me the facts and data they claim to know.

It does state how matchmaking works. Maybe read it.

No, that would be you.

Show me WHAT is ambiguous in the 2 links I provided regarding matchmaking.

It only exists in your head, or you are trolling… AGAIN!

I have provided this to you already. Multiple times!