If matchmaking isn't rigged why do blizzard say it is?

Even the top streamers know its rigged but if you ask them they type in chat that they know it is rigged, but cant say it on stream

This troll has gotten entirely too much attention even after the giant image warning.

I thought that with the OPā€™s name + all their history of posts would have been a dead giveaway.

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Yes because someone doesnā€™t agree with your opinion that immediatly makes them a " troll ", i would say you are the troll in this case not me.

They arenā€™t giving 1 side an advantage. So no rigging is happening. What rigged means is giving 1 side an advantage. Whatever algorithm they use does not matter its applied to both sides equally so no rigging is happening.
Rigged is not the right word to describe that if you donā€™t agree with what algorithm is being used.

Classic troll attempt to redirect.

Youā€™re a troll and you know you are. Your arguments are so ridiculously uneducated and illogical that it might be better to just admit youā€™re a troll now and save face.

Wrong, you just canā€™t accept that your opinion isnt the only one

Itā€™s more that I canā€™t accept that your opinion is honest because it lacks rational thought at this point.

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So youre calling all these streamers at top 200+ always uneducated and stupid when they agree that its rigged? iā€™m sure you know more then they do

No, Iā€™m calling you dishonest. I thought that was clear.

No you are also calling them because they say the same thing

Dishonest troll is dishonest. News at 11.

Schyla, I love you and all, but ad hominem attacks arenā€™t cool. Everyone has as much a right to speak as anyone else, and if what they say is stupid (and in this case it usually is) then we can argue against what they say, not who they are.

Actually you donā€™t have a right to speak here, there are conditions on your ability to do so that you have to agree to and abide by. OP is not doing so.

Stifling abuse is not abridgement of free speech.

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In the midst of all the points made by both sides in this amazing thread, I really only still have one overarching question.

Does his mom know he snuck on the computer again?


This isnā€™t an ad hominem. I 100% believe they are trolling and are not serious. Weā€™ve already attacked their argument thoroughly. I donā€™t believe they are being honest at all and that they are only coming up with arguments to troll. The evidence is in their posts here and their previous post history. Thus, Iā€™m attacking their real position - to troll, not their person.

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Yes. Because the usual reaction after losing to something is an immediate: ā€œI need to use that deckā€.

People wonā€™t come to the forums to QQ about whatever they lost to, oh no. They wanna a copy of the deck that beat them.


I guess my proclivity to give people the benefit of the doubt is much higher than yours. And I think yours should be higher.

We shouldnā€™t say someoneā€™s ā€œrealā€ position is anything other than what they explicitly say their position is. By the same logic, I could say your real position is, well, anything I want.

I think thatā€™s the case. I gave the benefit of the doubt in 2 other threads. Theyā€™ve ignored those and moved on to a new thread to start trolling anew. I can only give someone the benefit of the doubt so many times. At this point, Iā€™ve had to conclude that the answers weā€™ve given before were purposefully ignored. Theyā€™re either ignored because they donā€™t want to educate themselves, or they are ignored because they want to troll. Iā€™d rather believe that one would be more willing to troll than willing to purposefully not educate themselves. Purposefully not educating oneself in lieu of evidence and logic makes one an imbecile. Deciding to want to troll just makes one bored at best. Iā€™m giving the OP the benefit of the doubt and believing them to be a troll as it would be hard for me to believe someone would willingly want to be an imbecile.

This is literally one of the most wrongheaded ideas conceivable. Only some people are willing to troll, but every human being on this planet weighs the opportunity cost of educating themselves on a particular topic versus doing other things, and usually sides with the latter.

Then weā€™re all imbeciles.

Sounds like youā€™re talking in general instead of specifics. Iā€™m not saying ā€œNot educating yourself to everything around youā€, Iā€™m saying ā€œeducating yourself on a current topic of discussion that you bring up and where education is being given to youā€. It should be obvious that this is what I mean, I donā€™t know why you went to generalities.

Yes, weā€™re all imbeciles and ignorant on certain things. Weā€™re not all imbeciles and ignorant on certain things that are currently being taught to us about a question we are currently raising unless we purposefully dismiss the lesson.

Again, specifics and current topics, not generalities on everything that exists.

I donā€™t believe the mass majority of people purposefully want to remain ignorant when they themselves present a question. If they do, then they are voluntarily remaining ignorant or they have another agenda. In this case, Iā€™m not on board with someone purposefully remaining ignorant and instead have an agenda. That agenda is trolling. Again, the benefit of the doubt.