If matchmaking isn't rigged why do blizzard say it is?

I’t literally says " we want fair matches for everyone aka win rate close to 50% "

where does it say it means only mmr?

When your parents said they want you to be happy, it didn’t mean they wanted you to drink so much.


Where does it say that it chooses specific decks?

It literally starts off with saying that it matches by stars, or MMR:

And then goes on to explain how that works.

At no point is there any need to “counter queue” you into a specifically chosen deck to lower your winrate, as facing tougher (i.e. better performing with higher MMR) opponents will do that all on its own.

It’s all laid out right in the post that you’ve linked in here. Nowhere in that explanation is deck composition taken into account for matchmaking. You’re reading something into it that quite literally doesn’t exist. The “we want fair matches” part is right there in the same paragraph as explaining why we’re matched via star bonus at the start of each month - to prevent the noobstomping that happened like crazy for the first week or so of the old style of ladder.

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Here, afkplaying as showing us a basic application of his confirmation bias :

  1. afkplaying is thinking the game is rigged and the matchmaking system is making us playing against counter. I don’t know why, but that’s about it.
  2. When playing in-game, 2 possibilities : he’s not playing against a counter, nevermind, doesn’t notice it, or thinking it has to happen from time to time. Or, he’s playing against a counter, then it must be a scheme, the games wants it to lose on purpose. He’s here noticing more when playing against counters than other decks because it confirms it’s cognitive reality.
  3. When devs are talking, even if they don’t talk specificaly about rigging match-ups, he will automatically link it to what he thinks is real. So, they MUST be talking about rigging match-ups.

afkplaying is not stupid or a troll. afkplaying is a human with his biases. When under the effect of a bias, it’s very hard to think in a logical way.

Solutions for afkplaying :

  • Playing the game and having a spreadsheet that you fill with data about your good and bad matchups. Then you try to correlate that with your rank decks distribution. If you’re playing off-meta decks, you’re most likely to face counters for example.
  • Stop trying to interpret what the devs are saying, just focus on what they specificaly say.

I’ll be back soon for more psychology 101 facts.


They are telling us that they have a system to keep everyone at around 50% winrate, and you still try deny it

It’s the basics of MMR systems, trying to make you play against opponents with your level.

What you see as a key index of a rigged system is just the result of a MMR system that is working well.

It doesn’t “force” anyone to 50%, but it does naturally gravitate everyone towards it once you hit your performance ceiling.

Not sure why you’re choosing to misinterpret that post, but it’s either trolling or willful ignorance at this point.

It’s like you’ve never seen a matchmaking system before, and those go all the way back through competitive video games into things like chess.

No, a matchmaking system is not “rigging”.

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I don’t think he’s trolling. He’s so convinced that the game is matching him against counters that he will twist every piece of evidence to match what he thinks.

At this point, it is near impossible to explain it to him as he doesn’t really want to understand. And if you manage to explain it to him, then you’ll automatically become some sort of god to me.

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Or, he’s angry and simply wants to argue because it produces a feeling of catharsis that soothes his unhappy emotions.

This is the internet, after all.

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Yeah, I may be naive.

But as a scientist, I go for full Hanlon’s razor : “never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” it’s more likely for him to just being biased.


I suppose you could “update” Hanlon’s Razor to replace “stupid” with “biased” but I’m not sure that necessarily applies here.

On the flip side, one could say that it’s “stupid” to, in the face of great evidence, choose one’s biases over reality.

Does it happen all the time? You betcha! But that says a lot about the “stupidity” of most folks.

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Yeah, i agree “stupidity” is not the best word, but we can adapt, I quoted the original version, but you can tweek it a bit to fit the reality, as I don’t particularly think we can call people stupid when they are just trapped in their own brain biases.

Hanlon’s razor can be interpreted like so : don’t assume someone is being volontarily mean/dishonest when he can just be misguided.

And after guidance has been provided (a path leading out of the woods) maintaining a plodding path directly into the trees and bushes becomes more and more a matter of willful, sovereign decision.

That decision being the choice to ignore reality/evidence (willful ignorance) or, despite understanding the truth of said reality/evidence, continuing upon a path disingenuously to stir up controversy and gain satisfaction from it (trolling).

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Well, maybe you’re right, time will tell :slight_smile:

Blizzard doesn’t need a complicated algorithm to pick a deck to beat you to make you lose. You can do that all by yourself, and that’s all the matchmaker needs.

Do you even know what Rigged means? It means to set up unfairly 1 side of the conflict. Matching similar MMR to try to get close matchups is the opposite of being 'Rigged".

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Why did they remove the ability to see the rank of who you are playing against?

No. The system does not find a counter deck to keep you at a 50% ish winrate. It finds a counter player to keep you at a 50% ish winrate. The algorithm doesn’t look at the cards in the decks at all.

afkplaying, there can be more than one method to achieve similar results. Just because Blizzard admits they’re trying to achieve a particular set of results doesn’t mean they’re admitting to a particular method.

To avoid any misunderstanding since the matchmaking is primarily looking at the MMR, you could face diamond player as a bronze player.
A way to avoid an avalanche of idiots on social media.

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Because while you have stars, it uses MMR to match you, and so the ranks fluctuate wildly. You could have finished in diamond, but go from playing someone at bronze 10 to someone playing at diamond because of the star bonus. That bronze 10 player also may have finished in diamond, but if it’s their first game of the month it will display bronze 10.

They don’t show it because then people would ask why the ranks are so different, and the answer is that monthly ladder resets that aren’t actually resets are dumb and this is a workaround while they ensure fair matches.

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