I Uninstalled Today

Hey now, the whole purpose of internet discussions is to invalidate the feelings of everyone who doesn’t agree with you. Stop breaking the rules!!

The power ceiling of certain decks/cards has been a big point of tension for a while, I think. I really wonder just what December is going to look like with the power levels we’re already seeing.

Hope you find something fun and should you come back, I hope it’s to a meta you can enjoy with some hella good catchup systems in place.


It’s a true uninstall

I’d say that’s close to account deletion. These days with so many games storing data server-side, it’s plenty common to quit a game for a while then potentially come back later on down the road. WoW, Hearthstone etc. have game play environments that change over time.

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If most “I quit” threads were this thoughtful, instead of the usual whinefests, I would have a much better opinion of “I quit” threads.


I’m not gonna rage-rant

Pretty sure that’s about all you did in your OP.

Don’t blame you one bit. Moreover, the way I see it is this ‘us vs them’ mentality is largely built on people’s ability to exploit balance disparities within the game, not through some reasoned, comparative, thoughtful measure of skill. Decks are either hard-wired to go hard aggro, and if you don’t pull it off, you simply quit and move on; or they are made to pull off some huge, impossible-to-defeat end game combo. One produces the other.

I already uninstalled my client and deck tracker myself now. Maybe down the road I’ll come back, but with the current DH problem, it not a fun meta. I even try playing DH, myself and it was just plain boring with how you can steam roll your opponent.


I’ve also uninstalled. No malice, just tired of RNG swinging nearly every game.

I also detest playing against control priest.

Lastly, warrior feels pretty lame this expac.

This is how ALL competitive games go. Outside of “wood tier” and whatever the highest tier is for the game, most games will be curbstomps because of the variables of the different players and what they’re playing.

You think this game is unbalanced? Try playing League of Legends, oh man the horror stories I could tell about my time playing that, the amount of things that can go wrong when you add 8 more people to the equation skyrockets. This is what competitive games do, they burn you out through attrition as if you’re a soldier fighting countless battles in a never ending war.

I’m glad that you’re getting out of the game, I only came back because of the solo content with Dalaran Heist and Tombs of Terror but I do not give a crap about ranking up aside from getting 5 wins for a card back. If the competitive scene has finally gotten to you then good on you for getting out of it, but people need to realize that this is an inherent issue with competition like this and not the game design in and of itself. You certainly seem reasonable compared to most of the “I’m leaving” threads, so I hope you find something new to play.

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I understand where you are coming from with this idea.
I have the same at the moment but instead of unistalling the game I just do my daily quest and after that I just do something I enjoy more. I do this because if I think the game is more fun again I don’t fall behind that much when a new set will be released.
Enjoy your break from this game and I hope one day we will see you back in the tavern :slight_smile:

Lol yeah, I mean he doesnt do mandatory baby rage and another stuff, then saying some awesome stuff instead. Making people harder to troll him.

…how dare him.

I understand OP’s frustration. We’re not even a month into the release of AoO and I’m already only doing daily quests and tavern brawls. The Standard meta has been generally unfun and disappointing. DH has been nerfed twice (7 cards in total) and is still not in a healthy place. Rather than uninstall, I tend to go for the “minimal effort” route where I’ll complete my quests and win enough ranked games to get the card back each month…and that’s about it.


I quit all Blizzard games for some months now.

While I’m not pleased with the general direction Blizzard is heading (as a company), it was not the reason why I stopped (for HS anyway). Before I stopped playing, I started playing Standard less and less, ultimately sticking to BG and Brawl for quests and daily plays. I would say that my decline in HS slowly started on WotOG (which is ironic, because N’Zoth is my favorite card), as Hearthstone slowly lost creativity and started “handholding” us with broken forced synergy (Jade, etc).

However, the thing that broke my will to play was the introduction of paid adventures alongside the other 3 XPAC we already had. It was just too much. I was already losing interest in the game so this only made it worse.

As for their other games, let’s just say that a series of terrible decisions killed any interest I had left in their games (HotS Esport axing, Diablo Immortal disaster, failure to support Sc2, etc).

I was a big Blizzard fan. I’ve stuck around for so many years and had plenty of good memories (and met or bonded with friends through them). The Blizzard of late is unrecognizable.

I won’t say I’m done with Blizzard, but I pretty much lost faith in them. Maybe their future game will blow me away. Maybe it won’t. Only time will tell.

Anyway, I just wanted to say goodbye. I hope you all enjoy HS or whichever other Blizzard games you still play. As for me, the journey has come to an end.

For a moment I was about to say how I don’t think the “us vs them” mentality is a thing and that I’m definitely not a part of it since I don’t deslike control nor aggro, but then I realized how much a dislike otk decks :joy::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I get you. I also started to play this early days. It is shame that limited playable card pool has created this situation.

Old forums I spoke for making every card atleast playbale (rectain mana stat ability relation to follow). First it seemed possible but for some reason while having good start for digital card game devs took principle to not buff/nerf cards. Unless those are total meta wreckers.

Eventually game just evolved into power cards. After that expansions started to provide cards that did not just work alone but allowed other cards do even stronger swings so to speak. Now expansions have been cycle of new sets without change to anything other than that you need new cards and find new power card meta.

I play game for fun since it actually has fun card game mechanic. I have had big breaks and sometimes I come to see what there is (like now tested bg and tried standard). Arena used to be alright at start of game. Alas more than often I have to admit it is not worth of time since game itself have not developed much, mostly just new card sets. Current meta proves it how much you need good cards to be able to put even some fight.

If I have more loading problems I may quit too!!

So the OP should just keep playing and be miserable? Smart plan.

Edit: I’m a moron who can’t read, my bad.

They can stop playing and keep their collection in case they ever want to try the game again. Which is, in fact, the smart plan.

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Maybe I’m missing something, but I’ve uninstalled 4-5 times over the course of this game, and you don’t lose anything if you decide to come back and play.

Oh that guy was responding to someone being dumb and saying to dust everything, reading comprehension is hard.

Yep! By day 3 of the release I was thinking. Okay, this is going to be a huge joke. I can see one solution to all the ridiculousness that’s about to happen.

Some kind of freeze OTK mage again. I don’t know if tis possible. I tired a weak one but…

Need to freeze all the hyper aggro, and need a OTK one shot to bypass all the mid to late game garbage. But there is nothing so its just boring all around.