I can see this logic.
I used 2x naturalize in token Druid. It was just the most efficient way to make sure you could almost always get the kill once you had the board and cards in hand. And it was really good for this purpose.
My guess is there will be some more swarm/treant druid support coming up, and big taunts are going to be the only viable defense now that Psychic Scream is rotating.
But I do hope they get some sort of viable ramp back. Riddler is right, without that, the entire core set is poorly costed.
Makes no sense to add ramp to the game if they already had 3 other ramp cards though.
Druids basically RUINED this game for an entire 2 years. Time to let some other decks see some actual sunlight.
Frankly I’m glad to hear about the Druid nerfs/changes but if anything they came too late. I’ve already got burned out playing against their broken *@# decks and turned my money and attention to other games and hobbies by now.
So YES, this change desperately needed to happen. but it’s long overdue and probably cost this game a lot of fans who quit entirely, rather than keep playing against the same broken Druid/Pally decks all day every day.
Good riddance to a number of cancerous, toxic decks. They should have been put to pasture long ago.
which post nerf druid decks are you talking about ??
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Watch them print some broken stuff that makes them want to nerf Biology Project in the next round of axing.
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3 mana
Choose One : Poisonous and -1 Or Lifesteal and Divine Shield
9 mana
Choose one : _Cannot be Targeted by spells _ Or Draw 2 cards
5 mana
Choose One : Draw a card Or Gain an empty mana crystal
3 mana Spell
Deal 2 damage to an enemy minion and your opponent lose 1 empty mama crystal
Ugh - don’t speak of Biology Project. It falls into the Bubonic Plague level of awful cards which Team5 has bizarrely decided is a Druid thing … the “Cards That Help Your Opponent Win” cards. Why they ever thought garbage like Biology Project and Dustloser Avianna should be made is beyond me.