I bought diamond Drek'thar with 3k gold

And got refunded 3k gold while keeping the card.

Thank you, blizzard.

Sucks for those who didn’t though, essentially missing a free diamond card.


You sly devil, you. :wink: You had this all planned!


Me Too, Me 3, 4,5,6,7.

I was wondering how they were going to resolve that. I bought the card too, but at this point, maybe they should just give it to everyone.

Nah, only people who really wanted the card bought it, so it’s fair that the rest don’t get it for free


Made thread before they could :stuck_out_tongue:

Guess this is why the shop is closed?

that’s a good guess.

I wonder if they will adds it as an achievement when the mini set launches?

What’s the point of this thread again? Just to brag about your free pixels or…?

Bragging about hs pixels ? I’ve seen everything lol.

The point of the thread is pretty much the same as your post.
Both completely useless when it comes to life. Pretty much just a way to kill time by discussing pointless subjects with strangers online.


He’s a Hearthstone player sharing something positive with his fellow players. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with that.


Oh, don’t bother with Jef.

Remember that thread in which Wardrum got attacked by his haters ?

Well, Jef is a hater of mine. It’s hilarious how angry at me he is.

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to let people know they gave refunds in gold?are you really acting as if there is something wrong with it ?


With them giving back the gold and like you said, essentially making it free, I think they might just give it away to the rest of the players. At this point it’s time, blizz just folds their hand.