I am sick of DK Zerg

also almost all of zerg units are in fact understatted in some way

if we take the 2/2 marine as our base statline based on which we evaluateunits we would get :

zergling stays 1/1 but if we were to round up stats it would be 2/1
baneling 5/1
roach 5/6
hydralisk 4/4
lurker 6/8
mutalisk 3/5
infestor 0/4
viper 0/6
queen 3/8
ultralisk 18/22

Note that these are just aproximations of ingame stats being transfered to hearthstone utilizing the marine statline to point out that zerg has its glasscanon archetype overexaggerated and is infact understatted in the hp department i am not trying to suggest any balance changes

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going based on statistics and win rates they arent zerg demon hunter has sub 50% wr

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Just the new big bad guy in town… Health buff should be removed from infestors and viper cost should go to 6 or just give reborn without attacking the target?! Plus the fact reborn doesnt work as it should be I think. When you kill the zergs they are back to full health?! Weird interaction with the infestor’s buff, that should be removed nonetheless. Although, it would be nice if they didnt murder that card since its multiclass. They just need to hotfix shaman and dk to open some space for the other classes at last.


then u have the issue of u get cleaned up way too easily and since zerg for whatever reason didnt get ultra as a playable/smth they can generate from larvae they will not be able to stick on board and will just run out of steam in lategame and die

only 2 zerg decks i have seen consistently being used are zerg dk and zerg warlock using giants both dh and h are not only rare (as far as i have seen) but also dont really do well and simply get cleaned off the table till they either give up cuz they ran out of steam or are straight up killed

blizzard’s goal is to give you two options, one is to tilt and let others win, the other is to give blizzard your money by buying everything possible to have this deck you’re talking about, if blizzard balanced the game you wouldn’t have any reason to want this deck, don’t you think? Blizzard isn’t bad, they’re very good, they’ve been acting like this for 10 years… and you give them money, it seems great to me, doesn’t it? In fact, Microsoft bought it…

Oh noes. An aggro deck that runs out of steam eventually. How sad. Anyways… :roll_eyes:


minion based aggro strats simply dont cut it anymore

especially when every class has like 12 different way to clean the board and if they dont have it on hand they can just magically pull it out of their butt via random generation

zerg also lacks any form of direct damge as hydralisk lurker and kerrigsn hero power are all random

as much as zerg is being presented as an aggro deck they really dont have the things that nake aggro aggro and are in fact closer to mid range in the way they play

im not trying to defend infestor its very powerful card but completely deleting the effect is not good route to take imo

what they could do is make it deathrattle: spend 2 or 3 (not sure how many would be balanced) corpses your zerg minions have +1/+1 for the rest of the game

Tell me more about the 12 board clears that deal with the 4 5/5 or 6/6 zerglings +queen +viper turn 6 when they all have reborn. And even with the 12 board clears you have to deal with the hand full of buffed crap. And Kerrigan being OP. And accept your opponent also runs reska to steal your.crap.

Yeah my turn 6. Opponent has about 20 damage on board. Lets spend my mana discovering a clear for next turn and pass. Surely nothing bad will happen.


All i see here is a whole lot of Hyperbole.

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u missed the entire point i was talking how things would go if there was no hp buffing from infestor there are so many ways to deal 1 or 2 damage to all minions and clear a board full of 1 hp lings

This ^^^^^ would help. Remove the + health blizzard!!

I’m under 2500 rank Legend and there is plenty wrong with a lot of decks. I’m playing in Wild though and it’s **** show. I’ve only come across a few Zerg DK decks. I typically play Priest so i can clear them pretty easily.

People who say you are ‘whining’ and shouldn’t complain on a Feedback Forum are just weird. Like what are we doing here?

Anyways… Yes, zerg DK is everywhere. You feel helpless if you dont draw the exact answers that dismantle their deathrattle/reborn pyramids. And they dont run out of steam either.

I predict that they probably will increase mana cost of infestor in order to stymie the efficiency of the deck.


Obviously it was tested by a SC Zerg main. They say that Zerg was the best and gave the thumbs up.


Okay I see what the OP means. It’s asinine. I just played against it for the first time. They clearly don’t have a clue on how to design a game. A far cry from the original developer teams. The fact that they think that is fair and balanced is ridiculous.

I did beat it though in Wild. I won as Priest with a combination of getting armor from constantly resurrecting Arkonite Defense Crystals and starships with a touch of Saronite Chain Gang and Velen. I was able to hold them off for a really long time before i was able to bring out Velen. But once i did, there was nothing they could do. Plus i cleared their board a bunch of times. I know a fact this player thought he was going to win. LOL

I also ran the quest “Awaken the Makers” which boosted me back up to 40 during the middle. I expect that Zerg deck to be nerfed. But then again who knows with this team…


Ive played 52 games with zerg DK at 76% winrate and about 6 of those have been close games. There are so many non-games i dont understand how people are having fun with this meta. My guess is that people are overvaluing how “fun” this meta is because they are winning.


I have few thoughts about nerfing DK Zerg.

  1. The simple method - Increase the mana cost of Infestor and Viper. This way those cards would be mildly nerfed. The deck tempo would be slowed down a little bit but its late game strength remains. The balance would be better a little bit since Zerg DK early game would be weaker than Zerg Hunter and Demon Hunter.
  2. Swap either Infestor (preferably) or Viper with another Zerg class. The strength of Zerg DK comes from having these 2 cards ready in a deck, ready to be drawn and played with any other buff cards. By swapping the Infestor with Hunter Zerg class card, it would be harder for DK to get Infestor as it will be only randomly given by Lava from Brood Queen. In addition, Hunter is still in line with the Deathrattle theme too. The class could benefit by playing Yelling Yodeler with Infestor without Reborn shinanigan.
  3. Change the effect of Infestor to buffing only attack but not health. This method seems easy but I think the deck would be far too weak, especially against Shaman as it has so many 1 damage AoE cards.
  4. Change the effect of Infestor to buffing only cards in hand and deck but not board. I do not agree with this method as it would makes the deck too weak and change the play style of Zerg. Players will tend to hold cards in hand more to receive maximum buffs. Thus, the tempo would be too slow to compete.
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They started hating it already, when the hard netdecks stabilize again.

Some old netdecks are still good but some temporarily left them.

E.g. I figured an old secret hunter is still good against new decks,

and it’s a very “trollish” deck for the obvious reasons.

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100% agree, literally during this StarCraft event I believe I play against DK like 90% of the matches. This is uninstall terrible. Do we not test content anymore before we put it into production. I’m ready to go back to MTG after this mini set honestly.


then the deck becomes way to easy to clear and zerglings aka your primary fighting force become straight up useless

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