HS Rewards Track Discussion

Need help to verify accuracy of calculation

The average time over 23 games is 11.7min

If w/o TP (taking at -10%):
Win games gives 9.X Epm (8.1epm) [486eph]
Lost 6-7 Epm (5.4epm) [324eph]
[eph] - exp per hour

  • it seems to fall in line with the announced 400exp/hr [486+324/2 = 405eph]

If taking 400exp/hr, 4500exp (4500/400) = 11.25g/hr
plus other rewards under BP

Assuming under old system and at 50%WR: 8.5g/hr*
Assuming under old system and at 60%WR: 10.2g/hr*
Assuming under old system and at 100%WR: 17g/hr*

  • Assuming under old system: play/win 3 games quest, this can be done in conjunction within 1 hr game time to obtain 60g (on average)

Interestingly the the new system seems to provide better returns base on gametime. (exclude rewards under BP or 60g quest)
However, the new system intro the rewards under BP, taking away the daily average 60g.

Since I have already stated my views, I shall leave it for individuals to decide if that is a fair trade-off.

  • note: above using example from fellow poster, and subjected to error base on small sample size and other conditions.