The swing turns are very big, board state does not seem to matter much. By turn 5/6 many games are decided on (what used to be a “high roll” but is now more 50/50.
… was naxx DR hunter really like that ?
They’re always being hyper aggressive deck with crazy finisher but not at alerting rate now HS is like fire out control. Real control deck is dead along side any slow style decks you could try to make in meta today. It ether hype aggressive play style or nothing all rest is push out the way.
How can HS survive such hype aggressive style play all time your locking out half player base by doing this. HS need balance between aggressive deck and slow kind and we know it’s going to be 100% but at least try. It would be like Overwatch removing tank/support players from the game and just push other character types your push a good sure player base out the door.