Hollow Hound plus ABJ doesn't lifesteal the second turn

When I combo Hollow Hound plus ABJ, lifsteal works fine the first turn. The follow-up turn, lifesteal is inactive regardless if I hit face or a minion through HollowHound.

First, it might help to clarify what “ABJ” is.

And second, please post a link to a replay of a game where this happened, so that Blizzard can investigate the exact circumstances that caused this to happen.

Probably the hunter spell Always a Bigger Jormungar.

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Always a Bigger Jormungar


And second, please post a link to a replay of a game where this happened, so that Blizzard can investigate the exact circumstances that caused this to happen.

I tried to, but I get a message saying error: “An error occurred: Sorry, you can’t include links in your posts.”

Were you already at full health?