Harth Stonebrew issue

Was just spectating a friend on Even Warlock (standard) and he played Harth Stonebrew. He was given the Mage hand but the cards were messed up. He was given:

Ice Lance
2x Doomsayer
2x Archmage Antonidas
3x Alexstrasza

10 cards instead of 8 and was given a few duplicates in place of Frost Nova, Ice Block and Sorcerer’s Apprentice. Haven’t seen any other iconic hands yet so not sure if this is only affecting the Mage hand or others as well.

Painful experience for me. Can provide screenshots if needed.

Cheers blizz

They are working on it.

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so sad to lose to this bug on arena. Opponent got double lifedrinker and killed me from 4 hp. I would have won next turn through other cards in that Harth’s hand

I got shaman hand from Harth without shudderwock :confused: