Hackers in duel mode

After starting the duel battle whith player barnicle. Opponent have first move. I did not see the animation of action which did my opponent, only how wery fast move card in his hand, and movemet arrows on a fild. 10 seconds ater start the duel, i reload the game. Reboot took 70 seconds. Ater reconnect the situation was as follows: 1) my hand was full. 2) On a oppent side of fild stood 3 elwynn boar. 3) opponent was armed whits sword of a Thousand Truths. 4) opponent already hit me whith sword of a Thousand Truths. the next move i loos
Conclusion: 80 second after duel begin opponent can not have clone and play 10 elwynn boar аnd take at least 8 move. It not enough time.
I’ve lost over 20 duels in golden mod this way. But it’s first time i had time to restart befor duel is over. I simulated the same situation in ordinary game, result: i reconected on a second move.

I am a bit hesitant on the “80 seconds” figure. The turn timer decreases if you make no actions for several consecutive turns, so that may be why you feel like it has all happened a lot faster. Are you certain you restarted the game within 10 seconds, or was that hyperbolic?

Edit: Endless turn, Card Stuck Hovering, and Never Roping

Sure. The reload was very fast and i started it 10 seconds after the start of the opponent’s first turn. In any case, the main question is: why exactly only in the golden duels the animation will turn off and no warnings will pop up. And why does this happen only in two cases: 1) On the first move. 2) One move before I win the duel.

This happens in all game modes but Battlegrounds (where desync works a bit differently). It is important to pay close attention when facing Brann, as it is well known that his HP sometimes causes desync. If you don’t see the discover pop up the moment his turn begins, just insta-restart.

For both of these, because it’s a bug with Brann’s Start of Turn HP. When you are one move away from winning, it just happened at an unfortunate time. Neither the Brann player, nor you have control over desync. The only thing I can say is to make sure you are paying close attention. Also, 8 turns in 90 seconds is not possible. Nor is it possible to speed up your opponents turn timer without Nozdormu in play. For a hacker to modify your turn timer, they would have to be hacking into the server itself, which is so improbable that the only logical explanation is that the 90 second figure you provided is exaggerated.

Also, Blizzard is aware of the Dino Tracking bug. Hopefully we see a fix for it in todays patch, but we will have to wait and see.

In fact, it was less than 80 seconds.
Just played against a Brane after a reboot that took longer than the case I described, I loaded on turn 3.

What kind of device do you play on? I’m starting to think there is a bug that hasn’t been addressed… which is an opponent can be taking their first turn while you are still on your loading screen… that makes it possible for them to take more turns than it seems possible if you are able to log back in so quickly.

I have ran into this Brann bug too many times and closed the game and logged back in quick enough to have me thinking my opponent would be on their second turn, maybe third… but they are on turn 4-6 every time.

More proof of this is in Battlegrounds… You can see when someone hovers over your cards during a match and I see that animation while I’m still buying units from Bob… My Theory is that Mobile users (which is what I use, Chromebook)
are slightly “behind” others users in terms of a game fully loading (sorry I don’t know the correct technical terms to explain this lol).

I play on PC

What kind of mobile device do you use? Hearthstone is not well-optimized for Mobile, meaning that it does run slower and has some issues with load times. Depending on how old your device is, the specs, etc. then the loading screen issue could be much worse. I 100% recommend if at all possible to play on PC, since it runs way smoother (though not perfect at times, due to server-side issues and poor optimization). I can definitely see being on mobile causing the desync to take longer, and a quick reload for you may not be what it is for someone on PC. It takes me about 7 seconds to close, reopen, and reconnect. When I was on mobile, I would be lucky if it was less than a minute, though I did use a fairly outdated phone.

as stated above… I use a Chromebook and not even sure why it’s considered a “mobile user” but know it is. I wish I could play on a better device lol.

Completely missed that part. My bad.

No worries… no problem (need 20 characters lol)

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