Grey Sage Parrot and Time Warp

“you are wrong/bad at Hearthstone” is certainly an opinion, so I guess I should have clarified that I appreciated your contribution actually being constructive. Thanks again for participating!

I’m not saying you’re wrong or bad at Hearthstone. It’s been very clear from the language I’ve chosen that I don’t think your position is stupid (in the traditional sense). Instead I’ve used language indicating that your position is evil. The core problem is not your skill, but in your failure to empathize with OTK players and to consider their playstyle preferences as valid.

Elchar says my amplification is over the top. Perhaps it is. I’m not trying to act as if you’re as bad as an axe murderer here. Maybe evil is too strong a word. But there is an important distinction between being technically wrong and morally wrong, a difference not of degree but of kind, and that’s why I’ve been using the words I have been. If the degree seems exaggerated, adjust it accordingly.

Are you like allergic to Dirty Rat or something? I’ve brought the card up multiple times and you haven’t recognized it once. Is all this hatred of yours a rationalization to not utilize the counterplay that is available to you?

Sorry, I thought we had this discussion before but I guess not. I’ve definitely talked about it on this forum while basically having the exact same conversation RE: other OTK decks, but they’re all more or less the same and do kinda blur together so maybe you weren’t part of those threads.

Dirty Rat is a very narrow tech card that loses you the game on the spot half the time you play it and would normally be in the sideboard of an MTG deck for that reason. I have two main problems with viewing this as a solution to what, again, I see fundamentally as an issue of design, not development.

1.) The first is that Hearthstone isn’t really designed to make narrow tech cards like that fun to play, because sideboards do not exist and really all you can do is hedge against specific bad matchups. Dirty Rat feels horrible to draw/play against non-combo decks, and basically any deck that isn’t built to go face is vulnerable to OTKs in Hearthstone, so if that’s the solution then not only are these OTKs incentivizing boring play patterns but they are also warping every non-aggro deck to include cards that they often don’t want to actually play. And it’s not like any of these cards are generally useful or ubiquitous enough to actually supress OTKs, so it doesn’t even solve the actual problem…

2.) Which, again, is not winning but the lack of dynamism in the play patterns. So Dirty Rat might win you some games vs combo (although I do just fine without it), but it’s not like it made the play patterns any more fun for anyone. At best you have a meta that is hostile to combo in general, which is far beyond what I am advocating for and not something that I want - I enjoy my (non-infinite) combo decks.

Really, if you are committed to enabling OTKs and managing the problem via the metagame, you need to normalize avenues to interact with the combos, not attach them to extremely narrow tech cards that are rarely fun to include in your deck and/or play. Cards like Mutanus are a bit more acceptable IMO because at least that card is generally useful in most scenarios, just very expensive, but to be honest I don’t think discard mechanics are a great fit for Hearthstone for a bunch of reasons either (I agree with the devs basically) and am not sure they are a solution to anything… but I would be open to trying it I guess.

Does anyone here want to see more discard in Hearthstone? Honestly curious.


Well that’s certainly an opinion as well lol, and I am honestly sorry you feel that way. I’m fine with people having their preferences and again:

Pretty sure I have said to you many times that I accept you obviously have a different perspective on the game than I do, and that is ok… People suggest changes that others dislike all the time, evil is not the word I would use personally. We are, after all, talking about a videogame.

Thanks for the response!

It’s good against most aggro. It’s a good card included for many decks for good reason.

Fair enough, glad you like the card!

Yeah time warp needs to be made 4 mana to not create an infinite loop