Game problem in solo adventure

IN dalaran heist , the starting deck has a problem to provide right deck. The given start deck is not able to load. When chosen, in the game, it has a totally different deck which is same as the previous random deck


Yes, it’s always the default deck(the one to the far left) that loads in game. Same with all heroes.

Please fix!


+1. For me it first time happens about 1-2 days ago, still reproducing, android app

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Same in Tombs of Terror. Don’t think they will be fixing this any soon or ever tho.

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It would be good to read the topics of known bugs before posting and/or not to multiply messages that are identical to those of other players so as not to overload the forum unnecessarily.

oui enfin on s’en cogne qu’ils aient prevenu, si les gens ne passent pas leur temps Ă  leur rappeler de faire leur job, il le font pas, donc avec blizzard oui il faut spam et rappeler qu’ils font de la merde, pas obligĂ© d’etre un fanboy sans cerveau qui acceptes tout :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

NON, “on” ne s’en cogne PAS : seulement TOI tout seul.
Rien Ă  voir avec ĂȘtre “fan” ou pas.

S’ils prĂ©viennent, ça veut dire qu’ils connaissent et s’occupent du problĂšme.
C’est justement en multipliant les sujets qu’il y a tous les jours que ça n’aide pas : trop de messages et souvent pour dire la mĂȘme chose Ă  lire !
C’est inutile et ils n’ont pas besoin qu’ON leur dise comment faire leur travail.

UN sujet suffit, c’est contre-productif d’en faire une centaine, sauf, peut-ĂȘtre, pour les personnes qui sont “sans cerveau”, pour reprendre ton expression.

C’est de la pollution et au lieu d’aider, les sujets importants sont noyĂ©s par des messages comme le tien, anonyme, Ă  "1 post’, exactement comme ceux d’un TROLL.

Moi aussi j’ai quelques soucis.
Je suis patiente, c’est tout (il y avait un souci avec le puzzle d’Onyxia, ils ont corrigĂ©, pas besoin d’en faire un fromage).
C’est un jeu GRATUIT pour plusieurs personnes.

Him or her in english :

“yes finally we don’t care that they warned, if people don’t spend their time reminding them to do their job, they don’t do it, so with blizzard yes we have to spam and remind them that they are doing s-h-i-t (censorship), no need to be a brainless fanboy who accepts everything”

My answer in english :

NO, “we” are NOT worried about it : only YOU alone.
Nothing to do with being a “fan” or not.

If they warn, it means they are aware of and taking care of the problem.
It’s precisely by multiplying the subjects that there are every day that it doesn’t help: too many messages and often saying the same thing to read!
It’s unnecessary and they don’t need to be told how to do their job.

ONE topic is enough, it’s counterproductive to do a hundred, except, perhaps, for people who are “brainless”, to use your expression.

It’s pollution and instead of helping, important topics are drowned out by messages like yours, anonymous, at “1 post”, exactly like those of a TROLL.

I too have some concerns.
I’m patient, that’s all (there was a problem with Onyxia’s puzzle, they fixed it, no need to make a fuss about it).
It’s a FREE game for several people.