Game not end upon winning a round

Opponent and I were final 2 players in battlegrounds. He was Curator, I was Deathwing. The following series of events occurred in which I was unable to win a match against my opponent.

  • [I win but deal 0 damage then he hits me for 13 damage after we shop again]
  • [My 16 Damage To Opponent Does Nothing]
  • [24 Damage To Opponent]
  • [My 24 Damage To Opponent Does Nothing]
  • [He wins and kills me with 7 damage]

I have some screenshots but I cannot add links to my post.

sigh Apparently it’s still hard for people to find the posts that are in blue, and always on the top of the list…

I would expect the Bug Report Forum Guideline to reference additional material required to complete the task.