What are you talking about. It took a Blizzard person to even explain that the (bad) workaround was to not drop it from the mulligan (bad because Titans are bad in the mulligan),
and if you tried to alt+f4 it was often not even enough time (even with fast PCs).
And it’s game-breaking to even require alt-f4 (or to just cripple your mulligan),
The ones that aren’t shouldn’t even be in your deck.
Examples: Golgannoth in any shaman deck is a keep against 90% of classes, and you’re looking to play it on 5 or 6
Same with Yogg in Druid, since you’re planning on dropping it turn 5 anyway, unless you’re trying to pull it from Dungar or the 6/6 elemental, which is a gamble and it might mean you’re not pulling the taunts from it
Amicus is mostly a keep, as well.
And I really can’t think of any other titan which sees play at all, anyway.
OK maybe in specific decks. It’s pretty bad in flood paladin since they usually lethal without it and if they kill with Amitus it’s their “last hurrah”.
I’m not aware that Priests should definitely keep Aman’thul either but I may be wrong about that (or it may depend on the archetype).
Wait don’t they have decks that discover the Aman’thul to make copies of it?