Explosive Shot bug

Played an arena game today where Explosive Shot failed to do damage in a particular instance. My opponent controlled two minions and after casting Explosive Shot on one of them and dealing 5 damage to it, the minion adjacent to it did not take 2 damage as it should have. Screenshots can be provided if needed.

Please do post them. Enclose a link to the image(s) in `inverse single quotes` to avoid the filter.

Also, if it’s not apparent from the image, can you recall how the unaffected minion was summoned, and any other changes in their board between then and the Explosive Shot?

There have been a few reports of “adjacent” effects failing lately, and I’ll bet there’s a common cause between these reports and yours:

Ah, good call on the image link trick. Here it is.


The minion that should have taken 2 damage but didn’t was a stealthed Jungle Panther that was just played normally from hand. However, the targeted minion which did take its 5 damage was summoned with Moonglade Portal, so I don’t know if that has anything to do with it.

It seems that new cards, Grizzled Wizard and Kobold Stickyfinger cause this bug.

When you steal a weapon via Kobold Stickyfinger[ resp. swap hero powers via Grizzled Wizard], just like when you steal a minion, the weapon[ resp. hero power] you steal takes place in rightmost of battlefield. To be more specific, it doesn’t occupy the board(doesn’t affect on 7 minion limit) but it affects on the order(position) of minions.


In the above two videos, the postion of cards are

  1. leftmost minion A - (2. weapon) - (3. hero power) - 4. rightmost minion B
    To make this arrangement, steal weapon and swap hero power first and then (after you get your hero power back,) summon B via any effect that summon minion on the rightmost of board.

If you play a new minion C on the right of B, since there are two minions on the left of C, C’s position become a 3rd. So, the order is,

  1. leftmost minion A - (2. weapon) - 3. minion C - (4. hero power) - 5. rightmost minion B

since the adjacent of minion C is ‘2. weapon’ and ‘4. hero power’, C’s ability that buffs adjacent minion doesn’t affect on A and B.(even if it looks like A and B are adjacent to C)

When you destroy a weapon[ resp. replace hero power], minion A[ resp. minion B] is adjacent to C and succecfully get the adjacent buff.(Can check it in the second video.)

P.S. Seems likes Grizzled Wizard and Kobold Stickyfinger’s stealing mechanism was fixed in today’s patch. If this bug still occur, then there might be other cause.