Explain why Wheel Lock is OP

Oh what do you cut then, the life drains?

Speaker took the boot. Not worth it in most matches to warrant main deck. Put one in the ETC with the other Doomkin.

Could you tell me which slower decks would give you any issues? I don’t consider Sif/Rainbow Mage a slower deck, it’s a faster OTK for the most part and Doomkin does nothing for you there. However, the matchup is still close to 50/50.

Control Warrior isn’t even an issue at all. In fact, the Endgame version vs Control Warrior likely increases your win rate because of the pressure.

If you look at Wheel Warlock’s matchups, it doesn’t struggle with a single slower deck. So I still have no idea why people are running Doomkin unless they are hoping to slightly increase the win rate against Nature Shaman.

I still thinking people are sleeping on the deck because they don’t exactly know what it’s good against or what it’s bad against. It has very few bad matchups and many of those are shored up with an endgame pressure.

The only decks you really have major issues with are Nature Shaman, Mech/Miracle Rogue, Aggro DH and Sludge Warlock. Who isn’t struggling against Aggro DH? So that deck’s likely to get nerfed. If Miracle/Mech Rogue highrolls, no one is beating that due to lack of silence and removals on stealth, people aren’t playing Sludge as much…which really just leaves the Nature Shaman matchup left.

None of those I would consider slow decks.

I have zero issues with any Warrior deck. Control/Taunt/Highlander/Mech deathrattle. All of them are super easy fights.

I’m thinking people are under some impression that slow decks beat Wheel Warlock somehow? People think Plague beats it or Rainbow beats it. They really don’t.

  1. It’s a Warlock
  2. It does Warlock things
  3. People get massive brain farts when they see a Warlock portrait.
  4. ???

Several points…

  • Doomkin vs Endgame is a false dichotomy. You can, and should, run 2 Endgame. Period. If Doomkin is in then another card is out, not Endgame.
  • Wheel Warlock is 45-55 against Rainbow Mage in D4-1 and 37-63 in T1KL. It’s decidedly a bad matchup, and gets much worse the smarter the Mage is. (Schyla is otherwise correct regarding Wheel’s bad matchups.)
  • Speaker Stomper is much better than Doomkin against Nature Shaman. It’s also better than Doomkin against Demon Hunter, Druid, Hunter and Rogue.
  • Doomkin is extremely strong against Mage. From D4-1 to T1KL there is no situation where more than 3 non-Legendary cards in the deck outperform Doomkin vs Mage. It is by far the best card for shoring up that bad matchup.
  • Rainbow Mage is encountered about 2 out of every 27 matches.
  • E.T.C. Band Manager exists.

It’s really 4 turns; typical for these devs.

It is not op, lock is complete crap.

My point isn’t that you should run endgame over Doomkin. my point is that you shouldn’t be running doomkin at all.

I’m having success where others are failing.

This is someone that understands the power of this deck. :slight_smile:

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Wrecked a control Warrior last night 27 damage to the face on turn 6 lol

You can remove the 9/9 on 4.
But when 9/9 9/9 9/9 pops out on 5 what can you do lol

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It’s not weak againts plagues: Wheel deletes all the Plagues so unless you are able to shove 7-10 plagues into there deck after they play the Wheel plagues might be a non factor. Oh and Warlock’s weapon makes the plagues heal them 3 times so there.

What they are talking about is holding Helya till they play the Wheel then dropping her into there empty deck. However it’s not guaranteed they will play the wheel if they have the board and are just pushing face with big demons. So the game gets interesting for the DK if they want to drop her early for the possible immediate damage of the Warlock always drawing or wait for the Wheel to come down.

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Yeah I don’t think you can afford to play DK as a control deck vs Warlock xD

I might be wrong, but I doubt it

It’s a tough match for sure. You will basically need to keep pushing face with weapon damage and get them within range of CNE to finish the game or at least enough for fatigue to finish them. Holding Helya for when they play the Wheel is the optimal play there.

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Yeah, and even that tactic pretty much sucks. I’ve had a Plague DK hold on to Helya, weapon, down with the shipx 2 then play those after I Wheel.

They still lost. Symphony just completely breaks it up. Then you have lifesteal with Fanottem and Zilliax shuffles.


Yeah it’s not the greatest play but it’s something and you probably are hoping they don’t have the Symphony.

On a side note Mesmile is playing in top 10 right now with his wheel lock and he’s tearing up DH’s. He is playing the 9 cost Zilly for the big heal play instead of the shuffle one.

Between wheel lock and DH, it’s looking like a two-deck meta right now

Warlock is likely to start taking over because it’s evolving and has more counters to the high roll rogue deck that is seeing lots of play. Pop’gar is a new tech in the deck and i am loving it. Card so good early game against DH.

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That’s an interesting add. I am not a fan of more minions in the pool though. Wonder if there is a way to add it

The decks i have seen with it apparently cut defile. I cut my other Doomkin instead until i see more decks playing it where it might matter instead of all these aggro burn decks.

Edit: Well after playing some games with this new package this is quite good and really helps against aggro decks. Pop’gar is well worth playing. You just play Crescendo so that you can play Pop’gar and use the Crescendo’s to full heal. Crescendo is also just strictly better in this meta over defile as well.