Dredge didn't work properly

TL;DR: I used dredge and it didn’t give me the right minion

Well here i am, having fun with a rouge deck that i just made. it twas a rouge because i had recently aquired Crabatoa, had alot of fun. Decided to add Ambassador Faelin aswell as some Dredge cards.

When i got in game i played Swordfish after have played Faelin, chose to dredge the Leviathan from the bottom of my deck.

The turn after i’m suprised and at my opponents mercy as a draw a double agent against their minion.

as far as i can tell my deck wasn’t shuffled and i should have gotten a Leviathan.

apparently i can’t include a link to the replay, otherwise i would have done it

There’s a stickied post that explains how to put links to replays or screenshots in your post. You need to use preformatted text

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Or blockquotes (preface the link with the > symbol followed by a space)

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I already answered your issue;