Yeah i almost exclusive encounter Druid, Rogue, DK, and Paladin when Im using my bran warrior deck. Id guesstimate out of 10 matches as that deck the split would go like 4,2,3,1 respectively. Never ever see a shaman or priest or whatever else there is… I only see the rest of the classes when Im on my whizbang deck.
Oh damn, brann warrior, really?
Phew, now I’m glad I didn’t help you
Because warrior is the main true CONTROL deck in the meta right now. It’s absolutely busted against combo decks; and we have a ton of combo decks; some of them are extremely smart and it still kills them.
The default ramp druid is still a hybrid between control and combo; it often wins either by controlling (not that amazing at it) or by exploding in the end (almost as good as warrior but it’s probably worse).
Honestly both the floods and the controls should be limited; they both are pure exploitation with low skill; the flood pala kills easily and fast and the control warrior easily and slow.
Ive never played a highlander deck before and its a new concept entirely to me. (New to me = known about it less than a few months) so when reno became such an OP game buster (I think i ran into it for the first time like a month or 2 ago) and it is still for me in most matches, I had to come up with a deck that used highlander rules.
It isnt a carbon copy of anyone else’s netdeck brann warrior that im aware of, I just cobbled together what I could to make it viable. my shaman highlander has a better win rate than my warrior one does… just wish I could use the same brann in it too
Ok? but what does that have to do with my matchups being almost always the same classes when i play as that class? IDK what you mean by warrior deck being a control deck or the others as flood or whatever. I dont know all the jargon of the competitive tryhards lol. Its just a warrior deck that i play to try and Brann into Reno into Marin and maybe into excavates… but I dont own a lot of excavate cards so its not much a thing to me.Its mostly taunt related cards in my deck until i can fish out the brann… the hard part is living long enough to reach 8 mana AND having drawn Brann by then as well… many a matches are over before turn 5…
Why does this sound like a paradox to me? xDDD
I mean I had spent my dust reserves after crafting Brann, Reno, and the TNT guy… so i filled in the rest of deck with whatever theme I could manage using highlander rules so its mostly taunt buffing minions and excavate related stuff, and armor generation too and some Forges for my ETC’s hidden gem of the guy that makes me a weapon if i forged. love getting him to proc twice, and being able to clone it for another double proc from the naga cloning lady.
I mostly just get annoyed that my deck isn’t really weak to druid, of any form.
It’s just weak to what they do with Marin every damn game.
Either their free 3 cards has something like Reno and/or Eonar in it, it’s paired up with Dorian, or the crown finds them something over the top, or they get 5 copies of Reno/Eonar, or the statue finds them boomboss in the 11th hour after I managed to push through everything else.
I’m just so, SO sick of Marin scamming games.
You can’t build your deck to counter Marin, because how Marin beats you is purely by random chance.
So take a break, play something which kills them before turn 7
Turn 7? That happens on like, turn 5.
So kill them before turn 5
Really wish blizz just got rid of the cards like Marin that do things that aren’t really meant to be played around.
Is it too much to ask for to have an interesting late game that isn’t just “I played this so I basically win now”?