Diamond Loatheb re-roll option?

Okay here’s what happened:
I had already acquired the Loatheb legendary as a regular card.
I then crafted all the necessary legendary cards to qualify for a diamond loatheb.
I received the diamond loatheb to then get no re-roll for the regular version, which had occurred for me with all other diamond variations I’d qualified for (all but brukan).
I asked for the support team to help me, to which they replied to post here.
so… this a bug?

It is not. There have never been any rerolls for diamond cards. Only signature cards.

Which is outrgiht false and misleading.

We often include specific non-disenchantable cards as part of Reward Tracks, Events, Achievements, and Shop purchases. Starting with 25.0, if you claim one of these, but already own a lower quality copy that’s disenchantable, you’ll get a popup that offers to re-roll the lower quality copy to a different card of the same rarity from that card set.

For example, Diamond Grand Magister Rommath is on the March of the Lich King Tavern Pass. If you already own a Golden Rommath when you claim the Diamond, you’ll immediately get a popup offering to reroll Golden Rommath into a different March of the Lich King Golden Legendary (which, of course, respects duplicate protection). This feature also applies when you find a Signature card in a pack!

Not sure if this feature would make sense for cards like Diamond Ragnaros or Loatheb, though: after all, they are supposed to be acquired as a bonus for collecting all the cards from their respective sets, and if you were to reroll the base version, you would no longer qualify :grinning: , although, of course, nothing prevents one from disenchanting those cards. That’s an interesting question.


You definitely misread the patch notes. It only applied to motlc cards. And specifically those ones bc they were part of the tavern pass.

then why didn’t the support team just say that? why would they ask me to post it on here instead? doesn’t make sense.

because you were barking up the wrong tree, you are correct that a tree needed barking up to get an answer, however they were informing you that you were at the wrong one. A variation on “Sorry but the princess is in another castle.” To them it didnt make sense that you were barking up their tree looking for your answer.


Proof? Or is just your particular… interpretation? :thinking:

"We often include specific non-disenchantable cards as part of Reward Tracks, Events, Achievements, and Shop purchases. Starting with 25.0, if you claim one of these, but already own a lower quality copy that’s disenchantable, you’ll get a popup that offers to re-roll the lower quality copy to a different card of the same rarity from that card set.

For example, Diamond Grand Magister Rommath is on the “March of the Lich King” Tavern Pass. If you already own a Golden Rommath when you claim the Diamond, you’ll immediately get a popup offering to reroll Golden Rommath into a different March of the Lich King Golden Legendary (which, of course, respects duplicate protection). This feature also applies when you find a Signature card in a pack!"

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:man_facepalming: Sorry to tell you this, but you might want to upgrade your reading skills (no offence intended). Does the phrase ‘for example’ tell you something… for example? :grinning:

So, yeah, if you claim that golden Drek’Thar from an achievement (having missed it during Alterac), for instance, but already have got an ordinary one, you should be able to reroll it, too, according to the patch notes.


It just dawned on me (speaking of reading — it actually helps): claiming diamond Ragnaros or Loatheb requires you to already have all legendary cards from their respective card sets (Classic or Naxxramas), meaning there’s nothing to reroll it to, apart from a potential duplicate legendary, which wouldn’t make any sense or give you any benefit. Maybe that’s why there’s no reroll in this case — and also for Bru’kan, by the way, whose Diamond version used to be obtained by collecting all ‘Barrens’ legendaries, but not anymore with the mini-set, if I understand it correctly?

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Makes sense, thanks for the clarification (if that is the case).
Though it does seem odd if that is their conclusion given they could just offer re-roll into another wild legendary card, seeing as it’s the biggest pool of cards.

They could, perhaps, but ‘Wild’ is not a ‘card set’, as per the current rules. In other words, a Nathria card can be rerolled only into another Natrhia card, etc.


It tells me that their official explanation of the mechanic you are asking about used the specific expansion set by name. Im sure if they intended the mechanic to include any other set prior to March of the Lich King, their example wouldn’t have been so specific.

Do you often confuse cards effects that say Target Minion and ones that say Target Enemy Minion and Target Friendly Minion? I know it doesnt seem the same at first but it really does tie in here. Had they meant the mechanic of a reroll on a card could have been from any set, I feel they would have said something more vague than to Name Drop the most current expansion. The fact they were as specific as they were, for example, is used to explain a hypothetical, and not a way for you to take as vagary to allow you to take advantage of a new mechanic that didnt exist for the set you bought from. Given some time they might expand the mechanic to do such. But I got the same thing that Suituphewgz got from their explanation.

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And why is that?

It’s got nothing to do with the matter in question. As an aside, though, card texts are known to be inconsistent and often done in an ad hoc, rather than systematic, fashion.

‘Feel’ is a very appropriate word to use in this context — no offense, but it isn’t logical reasoning based on more or less solid facts, it’s rather from the area of vague assumptions. I’m not Murloc Holmes, but I still don’t deal with such ‘mayhaps’ and ‘maybes’.

You might have noticed I bemoan reading skills on this forum quite often. You might think that’s because I’m grumpy and old-fashioned — there’s that, yes :grinning: , however, you’d be possibly surprised how bad not even the dumbest of students, for example, can be when all that a task requires is mostly reading the assignment carefully and doing it to the letter — and not everyone here is even at the university level, I believe.

Of course, if you’d like to clarify the matter definitively, you could test it on a new or fresh account. For example, craft those School Teachers (from the ‘Voyage to the Sunken City’ set), complete the achievement ‘Shale University’ (Teach Nagalings 16 different spells) that awards the golden uncraftable versions nowadays (previously they were obtainable on the reward track) and see if you get the offer to reroll the base versions to other ‘Sunken City’ epic cards — or do the similar thing with any other cards of your choosing. I’ve got no desire to do this work right now, though.

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I dont make a habit of trying to make myself appear superior to others over something like reading skills. Netdecks, sure, all day long. But not someone’s literacy. That’s just rude and poor form. I wouldnt be surprised by someone not being at university levels, I personally know a few people that are 100% unable to read in their 40s and 50s. Perfectly normal and functioning people of society and hold down stable jobs and can’t read. I dont bemoan them because I am not that small of a person to do such.

I personally just dont like putting in the effort to use the ’ in my contractions. I dont care if its there or not. Its and it’s are about the only time I expel the effort as thats about the only time its completely different words. But Im not saying Im better for it.

Now that more than one person has read the same passage and gotten the same interpretation of it and it doesnt jive with your desire to interpret it another way, now the onus is on you to provide any evidence of your interpretation because the original post would suggest you are the only one misunderstanding and not able to grasp the words being used. So far I’ve seen you provide the proof, someone else give you the verbatim explanation as to why, and yet you still maintain a position of impunity and have the audacity to suggest a tedious experiment no one should engage in to prove you wrong yet again. No thank you. Good day sir.

waits for you to post again.


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What’s bad form is putting forth one’s ‘opinion’ without doing the research, as they say. Literacy, and reading skills in particular, is obviously a prerequisite in this case, hence the notion of its importance is not only appropriate, but also quite obvious.

No problem whatsoever, except if you, say, try asking them for legal advice — good luck then.

Is that supposed to be the classic fallacy of appeal to majority? Do I really have to play the School Teacher and explain why it’s wrong? It’d cost you 4 mana crystals, then. :grinning:

Really? In what world? And why would that be? :grinning:

‘Evidence of an interpretation?’ :face_with_raised_eyebrow: What on Azeroth is that?

Anyone can suggest anything, really. Take Chieftain Scarvash, for example: ‘Trogg no stupid! Trogg make you stupid!’ — good luck debating against that kind of argumentation. :grinning: Personally, I’ve got no desire to engage in it.

It is simple, though: you either can read properly or can’t. :grinning:

Actually, it’s called ‘falsifiability’, if you’re familiar with the concept — and it’s more or less a minumum necessity for any sound theory, not an ‘audacity’.

PS Ugh, must I really explain not only basic logic, but also philisophy (of science in particular) here? :grinning:

To prove a theory right or wrong — that’s the idea (‘Greetings, fellow seeker of truth.’). Proving me wrong again — hardly, because one’d have to do it once in the first place. :grinning:

And I said, ‘Greetings, fellow seeker of truth.’ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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alright. No more feeding the trolls. I care about facts, just like Indiana Jones, “if its truth you are after, Dr. Tyree’s philosophy class is right down the hall.”

Rides into Sunset with James Bond and Gimli.

I’ll link it here, especially for all the… ‘skeptical’ people and exceptionally skilled readers:

See also my comment below there: 25.4.1 Patch Notes - #17 by SparkyElf-2852 .

So yeah, a reroll is supposed to be offered for Loatheb, among others, too, although the questionability of such functionality in general has been debated already (above in this topic, for instance) — why would someone want to reroll one ‘duplicate’ legendary to another, just duplicate, I dunno.


If you only have a normal version of the card, it is effectively useless to reroll it into another card that you already own, but if you have the golden version of the card, you can reroll it into a golden version of a different card from its set. I’ve seen one YouTuber mention that they used this option to reroll the golden Reno that they’d previously crafted into a random different golden League of Explorers legendary.

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That’s a very good point! I haven’t thought of that… although it has been documented explicitly, actually, in the example with Golden Rommath above — so I guess my mantra about the importance of reading is a good lesson for myself, too.

Yes, I meant the normal version obtainable from the adventure, and I don’t even know if you get those golden cards from Wild packs or some bundles like it…

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it doesnt matter, if you can reroll reno, loatheb should be rerollable

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