Dead with armor


I’m playing Warlock against Hunter (). Standard ladder.

1- My turn : have 5 hp and battlefield is empty both side, I play Galakrond . I gain 5 armor and summon 2 random demon
2- Opponent turn : he play hero power and kill command

I died with 0 hp and 5 armor .

what’s happened ?

first off, its against the forum code of conduct to name players. and if you suspect foul play then that should be reported directly to blizzard, not in the forums.

sorry, first post. I’ve edited.
And I’m not suspected anyone.
Juste reporting a bug.
3 games in a row same bug

There’s another thread about this, it’s a visual bug that tricks you into thinking you still have armor when you actually don’t. Galakrond’s armor apparently stays displayed as 5 even when it gets removed through damage.

In your case, he either hit you with something more you forgot or you had slightly less hps (more likely) when using Galakrond.

i found new bug, after you play galakrond your armor if you have 10 armor be stand to 5, sorry for my english, if you have 10 armor you play galakrond he remove your 10 armor and just give you 5 armor

have you checked that the actual life total changes? it may just be a graphical bug


I’ve met someone who has the same problem : the game’s screen displays the current 5 armor
But he died to the first damage taken instead of staying alive because of his armor
So … are you sure if it is actually a visual bug or is it rather a bug about his life ?