Dead on Turn 0 in Twist?

I also think they utilize the say: “Any attention is good attention.”

It wouldn’t surprise me if it was one of the reasons they don’t immediately bug fix. Gives people a rush to play the bugged deck to win, and win, before it gets fixed.

I don’t share that at all, but I am sure some get exhilarated to play bugged decks. There is something interesting in not playing by the rules, no doubt.

Because this company isn’t consistent on what gets hotfixed and removed.

You could abuse animation bugs for many different modes and not allow your opponent to ever have a turn. But these bug abuses were so few and far between that they never took action. It’s when the bug gets a lot of attention do they tend to act.

I posted many years ago about how “The Darkness” card can be abused to cause your opponent to miss their turn.

Literally no one cared. This community didn’t care. Blizzard didn’t care. Why? Because it wasn’t rampant and needed a specific interaction but a player COULD do it if they wanted to in order to grief another player.

The more people care, the more likely Blizzard is to take action.

The Darkness animation thing STILL exists to this day.

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Stepping on one’s foot by accident (using a bug by accident) harms them
Stepping on one’s foot willingly (bug abusing) harms them
Shooting one in the head (cheating/hacking) harms them

Should these 3 actions be punished by a death sentence ?

There’s no justice if your system’s response yields no proportionnality to what it punishes

Which is not an excuse to not ban them because of their cheating

Which I am not defending. I can parrot too but it’s not because I’m making the distinction between cheating and bug abusing , and that I want the sentence for cheating to be a ban, that it prevents hard bug abuses from being sentenced to ban.

Yet you want a system that strikes every one that made use of a bug, regardless of the intent, regardless of their awareness of it
You condone a system with even more false guilty than the current one, and you call them the hypocrit ones…

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You’re the one speaking about proportionality?

What are the cheaters cheating in Twist getting as a reward? Cuz, for the n-th time, bug abusers got the entrance to the 50k $ tournament.

Remember, proportionality was YOUR argument, not mine.

Intentional bug abusing is clearly not “false guilty”, it’s guilty.

It would be nice to start reading the entirety of my posts including each time I’ve clearly stated that I’m not defending the bug abusers that tried to enter said tournament

You want my proportionality ? Cheaters should be banned.
Players willingly trying to sabotage a tournament selection through bug abusing should be sued, as long as evidence of malicious actions can be provided

What about the non intentional ones ? The ones you are not able to identify with a system that doesn’t make any distinction ?

You do make a distinction.

As already stated.

Besides, if you can perma ban an innocent user for botting twice, I don’t care if 1-2 non-intentional bug abusers get culled for 3 months. Just don’t let them screw up a 50k qualifier.

So you’d ban any player that started playing DK after the bug was live ?

Why are you saying that as if I was ok with the current situation of players banned for wrong reasons ? I’m not
Which is why I feel like your system is even more unfair since you’d rather have more false guilty than false non guilty

How the hell did you come up with that conclusion “Since you’d rather have more false guilty than false non guilty”

What kind of gaslighting is this?

Thousands of people abusing a bug intentionally, not getting banned - reality.

Couple of unintentional bug abusers getting banned - proposal.

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You are presenting no scaling of severity in your system.
Either a player is innocent, or they’re guilty, and if they are guilty, it’s a ban sentence
So you’d ban a player that played a game to see the interaction in action

Blizzard allows bugs to be used to some extent, since it is THEIR responsability and they take the bullet for that instead of blaming the players. Since it is tolerated on their side, it means that it is not considered a malicious exploit to play the game as it is working. This was the case for azerite snake/alex

More generally, when all the player has to do is to play the game normally, they are not guilty of the behavior of the game.

If a cash machine gives you more money than it should, it is the bank responsability to take it out of service. If they don’t, and people start using that machine more, it’s still the bank’s responsability. They can claim the excess money back, and people will have to give it back, but they cannot sue said people for using the machine that THEY made it work that way and decided to let be.

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Still more fair than falsely banning an innocent, loyal player for botting, twice, permanently, deleting their whole collection and making them start anew and question their own sanity because of it.

Might as well assume responsibility and take the bullet for not securing the client against hackers/cheaters.

Where is your scalling then ? Because you started talking about a double standard for
“When people abuse a DK weapon freezing bug for days, it’s OK”
Then oriented it toward high ranks abusers only. You never addressed anything else, so where’s your scale ?
When presented the distinction between in-game bug and malicious hack you literaly wrotte “It’s not completely different to me.”

Still irrelevant to the discussion since I am not defending that.
My whole point is to prevent false guilty bans so why are you using a false guilty ban that I do not condone as an argument against me ?

You can’t compare the product they put online and that players use as it is presented to them, and the usage of a third party software directly modifying the game’s files in real time
they MADE the game work that way by itself when it’s a bug
they did not make it that way when it’s a hack

Continuing on the bank idea, it’s like saying that the bank should take the bullet for the robbers that forced the safe. The bank should have had secured it more

If you pay 3 bucks instead of 2, it’s your mistake. You’ll ask for the extra back and it ends here.
If someone steals your wallet, it’s not your mistake for being pickpocketed because you didn’t protect your belongings. And you can press legal charges against your robber because you’re the victim.

i mean that’s a twist ain’t it?

Because you accused my proposal to be banning innocent players. If you’re going to use that as an argument to defend Blizzard’s policies, you’re going to have to accept this as a counter-argument, since that’s literally what happened.

First of all, stop making things up. You don’t know if a third party software was used or not.

They literally did. They didn’t prevent it.

That’s literally how it works. Yes, the robber also gets the prison sentence, but the banks still try to make it as secure as possible. If your argument made sense, the money would just be put in a basket free for anyone to take, because it’s not the bank’s responsibility to protect it, right?

Do you see the flaws in your logic now?

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I am NOT defending their ban policy of innocent players. You’re making things up on that part, that may be the 3rd time I repeat that.

[Added 6/2] [Twist] The team is aware that some players have been using an unauthorized cheating software that allows them to use illegal cards in Twist

You’re welcome. Literaly the 5th reply of this topic

You are blaming the victim, it’s all you’re doing.
The base law is that you cannot steal what is not yours.
The money COULD be put in a basket, but people would break the law by TAKING it (they would not if you’re the one giving them the money).
But acknowledging that it would be illegal to take the money is not enough to prevent it from happening.
So they secure the money in a safe so they don’t have to bother with all the legal procedures after a stealing
They don’t make it secure because they have to in the first place, they make it secure because it is the most convenient

Do you realize that it is your logic that we’re talking about here ?

You’re the one saying that, if the customer is not responsible for a genuine production mistake, then a criminal is not responsible for breaking an inperfect protection

Not the first time they would be lying.

You’re welcome.


Yeah, I’m done here.

nah reading through this conversation this is a pretty unhinged take. Bug abusing vs. engine exploitation is not even a close consideration to each other. There have been times where we’ve as a collective community have all had to play despite “bugs” that we can’t avoid playing (e.g, when Reno didn’t clear locations/dormants). Was that everyone abusing bugs? If so should everyone who played Reno during that patch get banned for bug abusing?

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Context matters. Cheating is in a fun mode offering no rewards for winning. Bug abusing was in standard during the MT qualification season, and MT offers a potential reward of up to 50k dollars.

Yep, it’s not even close. Bug abusing in standard is a lot more serious offense.

Again, context matters. DK weapon freezing bug could only be abused by one class - DK. Reno bug could be abused by any class.

As you’re one of the only high legend players who frequently talks about being in high legend on the forums, I think you have a valid point regarding bug abuses in those high ranks, especially during tournament qualification. That said, most of us aren’t high legend and will never be there, and I think that’s largely why it’s hard to agree that bug abuse is anywhere near as serious as a purposeful hack. Many players at lower ranks do not read the cards. They just play them. We don’t always know what’s bugged or not unless we spend too much time on the hearthstone forum


That’s all fair and square, and I agree, I was just offering the other side of the coin, since everyone else seems to be ignoring it.