Dalaran Heist is a huge let down

They will try to make it better but cannot make it perfect. You can win 11/12 matches in dominant fashion and lose to the last boss by turn 5, rinse and repeat (ie Khadgar’s completely broken and heavily favored rng setup). They haven’t come up with a more creative way to make things challenging without it being based on rng.

Agreed. What really bugs me is that there are known solutions to these problems. Other CCGs and other roguelikes have found way to deal with the inevitable problem of difficulty being tied to RNG and variance, but the HS devs don’t seem to want to look at that and learn. I mean, how many passives, treasures, or buckets, were actually new? A handful each? Most/all of these weren’t designed or tested specifically for this expansion, they were just there so Blizzard threw them in. That’s just lazy.

Little help for a new player to HS making his way through Witchwood. Have seen posts suggesting it used to be easier but due to later nerf’s is now next to impossible? Have also read many guides and learned how to select the best treasures and card combos. Frustrating to play a bunch of times where the best options are not even presented but even more frustrating to get those options and still get obliterated within 3-4 turns by a higher level boss who gets a great draw combined with some OP power (think Face Stealer, Gnomenapperor the level 8 Hard Counter Boss).

Played many other games and single player mode is always the challenge for the developers. The lazy ones just through a bunch of OP crap together because they don’t want to take the time to build and test. Success is based on luck more than skill. The good developers take time to find the right balance so playing single player mode is entertaining as success is correlated more with skill than luck (In my experience, the Civ series is a great example of a well designed AI).

My experience with thus far is their single player modes are just lazy (though trending a little better over time). Am I missing something?

And, the key question, in January 2020 is Witchwood winnable with all four hero types or have nerfs changed the balance?

Even if winnable, assume there are still many unwinnable situations so success requires countless iterations hoping the Boss gets a poor draw while I get the right choices? Currently at 100 bosses defeated with Canooneer and best result was getting to level 8 only to lose in 4 turns with 1 damage delivered :frowning:

Looking for a sanity check- appreciate feedback from more experienced HS players

I’m wondering if its people like you that “inspired” what Galakrond’s Awakening to be an Adventure set rather than a dungeon run…

wait what? i played though both good guys and bad and i beat the entire first chapter in less than 30 minutes without dying at all, it was waaaay too easy

Hi. Been playing since 2014. Single player Hearthstone is one of my favorite game modes.

The adventure you are currently working on “Monster Hunt” from the Witchwood expansion was generally given mediocre reviews, and not as good as the Kobolds and Catacombs Dungeon run, Boomsday Puzzle run, or the Dalaran Heist. Also the final encounters for the Houndmaster, and Tracker had fights which were often losses on t0 if you didn’t build the perfect deck.

In addition, there was no heroic/normal mode, so Blizzard couldn’t design bosses to both cater to newer players, and give Hearthstone’s most rugged veterans a real challenge to chew through. As a new player, you are playing a mode where “very hard” is the only option. All the guide reading in the world doesn’t beat the raw experience of playing the cards on offer in arena hundreds of times, and having a very good idea of their relative power. (What combos to look for, which cards are trap cards, etc.)

My recommendation is that Witchwood’s monster hunt is a poor choice of showing solo adventures strengths to new players. You are certainly not the only one who was frustrated by it. I would either give Timetinker a try, or switch to one of the other free runs. (Canooneer was not difficult for me.)

Dalaran Heist improves the Dungeon run format in many ways by putting multiple difficulties to try to cater to both new players and veterans. However, it does have an up front price.

Comparing the free solo adventures, Kobolds Dungeon Run is better than Witchwood Monster Hunt in that players are offered more choices, more boss battles, and generally more gameplay on offer (9 class challenges instead of 4.) The end bosses are still very hard. (I have faced one of the end bosses 14 times and only beat him once.)

KotFT is an odd one out in that it is a deck building challenge, so your ability to defeat it is dependent on your card collection. Most players breezed through every boss fight except for the last. The good news about this mode is that once you have killed a boss, it is defeated forever. You don’t have to start over, and your progress is saved. The bad news is that the end boss fight, the Lich King, is designed to give players with a complete collection a real challenge, so a new player will find it impossible.

Booms Labs is a great adventure. It is just hearthstone fun. 0 RNG, plenty of different game modes, and some terrifically creative designs. Try to, um, avoid looking up guides for this one. There is only “here is the answer” videos and webpages. The real gameplay lies in taking a break and trying again later.

I found Rastakan’s Rumble “Rumble Run” really underwhelming. Compared to KnC, Witchwood, and Booms Labs I found it really easy and unengaging. Bosses were also very repetitive. I breezed through it on the second try and had no real reason to try it again except when my daily quest told me to.

The good news with solo adventures, I think, is that I am never feeling like I have to compete against another players’ wallet, or play substandard decks. Thus, I mostly avoid constructed and stick to Arena. There are better solo adventure card game experiences out there, but the free ones have been a fine addition to the game (better than constructed doldrums).

For me they seem easy, because none of the free adventures have ever stood the insanity that was endless grinding on Heroic Maloriak BRM. (I only died 20 times? Easy stuff).

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