Démo Tickatus burn 10 cards

Legendary · Minion · Madness at the Darkmoon Faire · Battlecry: Remove the top 5 cards from your deck. Corrupt: Your opponent
2 games tickatus bug abusde by players !


Did your opponent have a Brann on the board?

Happened to me twice. I manly play warlock and 2 games in a row the Tickatus I played without bran burned 10 cards. When I played it with bran It also burned 10 cards. IDK what’s causing it.

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This has also happened to me. I played Tickatus twice now and burned 10 cards. Both times.

Without Bran on the board and he was not play earlier in the game.

I tested it (last turn of each replay)
Vanilla Tickatus only discards 5 cards from the player’s deck :
However Corrupted Tickatus discards 10 cards from the opponent’s deck :

This also happened to me when I played Tickatus without Brann. And it happened today when the opponent played two Tickatus (the second from Y’sharj corrupted), each one burned 10 cards from my deck.

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exact same thing happened to me just now, no brann… poof 10 cards gone

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Thank you! then if people are still playing it would that not be an exploit?

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They can ban a card in a few hours if a bug is too much of a problem if they want
If the card is still legal to play after many reports and a patch you can’t blame people for playing it


No, it would not be an exploit.

Blizzard had enough time to write that known issue, therefore they also had enough time to temporarily ban the card if they had wanted to.

But they didn’t.


Ah right! makes sense. thanks you both for explaining.