Concede Wins in BG

Conceding at the right moment at the beginning of a battlegrounds game sometimes triggers the win counter shown for earning gold with 3 wins. Looks like there is an edge case in the code that might need an end cap.

I’d post an image if it were possible… feel free to email me if you would like the image of a start of game concede win…

Also, while I have your ear. I would concede a lot less if I could set a Max MMR for myself. I disagree with the rating you give me and find that my happy place is much lower.

Finishing in the top 4 is considered a win for quests and the 3 wins / 10 gold rewards. So if you concede but finish in the top 4, then I believe what you are reporting is correct.

If you feel like your screenshots show something different, please read this:

I’m conceding before turn 1.

Here is the pic of concede before start of game:
https:// /concede-win.png

FYI… the share instructions you provide don’t work… you have to break the url
