Class identities are gone

Or you can just not main a class in a game that resets every four months because you already know the meta will shift dramatically all the time.

You can look at those nerfs as free resources, which is why I’m sitting on 60k dust as a F2P player.

If you expect it, why are you surprised? If this isn’t what you like, then you are aware you can just stop playing?

I hope to draw the broken cards from my packs both to play them while they are op and to reap the benefits when they’re nerfed.

God forbid you have (gasp) fun.

I’m not so sure we agree on the problem, though…

They might as well. They had symmetry when this game was created, or at least as close as can be achieved.
Then they ran off all the actual creators and designers, and hired people who seem to spend most of their time playing other creators games.

Yes, and not just bad cards… but bad Legendary cards… some bad Legendaries always created… Legendaries… which needs 1600 dust each to be created… I think it is just funny to see a common card more usable than a Legendary one, and I could say many examples unfortunately :slight_smile: I would say these are all proof of the wrong desing… Legendary cards should be strong not useless in my opinion… and too many is… And some cards are common which should be Legendary because of the mentioned reason…

My monkey paw says pally this expansion will get support for things other than fighting board early and pushing aggro. Maybe some janky big pally thing. Or (holy) spell support but you won’t be getting good board clears or heals but maybe some support or minion buffs that only work if you’re willing to run a minion heavy deck (no no spell mage)

Will revisit this post after reveals

A drop of good cannot redeem an inherently bad thing. Cards shouldn’t be made to get nerfed.

I am neither surprised nor unaware.

I don’t know what “fun” you are speaking of but I am not trying to undermine it.
If playing a broken game is your jam you can go ahead. I won’t stop you.

Long way to say nothing.

You’re just here to complain it seems.

Takes one to know one.

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Class identity went away when Blizzards love affair with discover started.

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Discover was perfectly nice when it was just on a few cards that had limited use, rather than the circus we have now with it being all over the place and certain classes being able to use effects to duplicate the effect.

uh most discover are limited to your class

Blizz already tried going down this path. And they ended up with retail wow, where you got the whole Incredibles meme “if everyones special, nobody is”, where every class, every spec got access to the same tools, making none of them actually have any reason for picking one over the other, even as a personal choice for who you want to play, as they are so extremely overblended.

How do we know this wasnt popular?
Formats that went back on this, like classic and Season of Discoverys popularity.
(yes they had other things too, but this is a major impact on how the game is played, player identity, player choice)

We dont need to repeat this. They have experimented with this concept for longer than Hearthstone has been out.

Classes should have stuff that feels unique, iconic to them, otherwise there isnt a point to having different classes.

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WoW and Diablo devs dont play their own games, you expecting HS devs to do it? xD

A thing they all have in common is ironically often finding solutions everyone wants, but ignoring them or even changing them away from what they are, and picking stuff nobody asked for, or wants, as they havent tried, or arent competent with their own game.

Its the whole “too big to fail” mentality that has been going on in there, even before they got investigated, its clearly still around, or atleast an extremely sticky attitude.

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